Cakes and biscuits could make you LOSE weight... thanks to seaweedBy Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:01 AM on 22nd March 2010
It is every dieter's dream: mouthwatering chocolate, cakes and biscuits that help the weight drop off.
And these mythical treats could soon be on their way to your plate, thanks to a breakthrough by British scientists.
Newcastle University experts have discovered that a fibre found in seaweed is more effective than most weight loss supplements in stopping the body from absorbing fat from food - and even enhances flavour.
紐卡素大學的專家已發現,一種在海藻中找到的纖維,是比大多數減肥補充劑更有效,阻止身體吸收來自食物的脂肪 - 和甚至提高食物風味。

Although the research is in the early stages, it raises the tantalising prospect of extra-tasty sweets, pies and buns that actually melt away the pounds.
The Newcastle scientists looked at how good 60 different types of fibre were at preventing the body absorbing fat. The lab tests were won by alginate, a sea kelp fibre already used in small quantities by manufacturers to thicken and stabilise foods.
It cut fat absorption by 75 per cent, an American Chemical Society conference will hear today.
This was better than many weight loss supplements, and almost as good as over-the-counter pill Alli.
Launched to much fanfare last year, Alli also blocks fat absorption and claims to help slimmers lose 50 per cent more weight than through willpower alone.
But, while Alli is taken as a pill, the alginate would likely be added to foods in a powdered form.
The powder, which is colourless and flavourless, has already been added to bread - and testers reported that it tasted better.
Researcher Dr Iain Brownlee said: 'Our initial findings are that alginates significantly reduce fat digestion. This suggests that if we can add the natural fibre to products commonly eaten daily - such as bread, biscuits and yoghurts - up to three quarters of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body.
He added: 'I would agree that people should eat more healthily and exercise more but they aren't doing that and there is maybe a need for a slightly different approach.'
Slimmers, however, may want to find another snack to keep them going for now - alginate-enhanced treats are around a decade from reaching the shops.