


8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on

Sleep sweating? Here are some new ways the pharmaceutical plans to make money.
April 16, 2010

Since direct-to-consumer drug advertising debuted in 1997, pharma's credo has been When The Medication Is Ready, The Disease (and Patients) Will Appear. Who knew so many people suffered from restless legs?
自從 1997年直接面向消費者的藥品首次亮相賣廣告,製藥的信條已成為當藥物是準備好疾病(和患者)將出現,誰會知道有這麼多人患上不寧腿?
But pharma's recent plan to move from mass-market molecules into more lucrative vaccines and biologics did not see the anti-vaxer movement coming: millions of Americans saying You Want to Vaccinate Me -- and My Child -- with WHAT?? and condemning vials of H1N1, rotavirus and MMR vaccines to sit, well, way past their expiration dates. Nor were fears of an international vaccine conspiracy helped by former CDC Director Julie Gerberding resurfacing as President of Merck Vaccines in December. (Nice revolving door if you can catch it.)
但製藥公司的近期計劃,轉移大型市場的分子進入更加有利可圖的疫苗和生物製劑,沒有看到反vaxer運動的來臨:以百萬計的美國人說你想要接種我 - 和我的孩子 - 用什麼??並譴責小瓶的H1N1病毒,輪狀病毒和MMR疫苗,好,坐過它們的到期日。也不是國際疫苗陰謀的恐懼,助力於前美疾控中心(CDC)董事格伯丁,在12月作為默克疫苗主席的消息浮上水面。 (尼斯旋轉門如果你能捉住它。)
Now pharma is back to creating new diseases, patients, risks and "awareness campaigns" faster than you can say thimerosal (the vaccine preservative that started the backlash.)

1. SERM deficiency

A pill to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis packs the "magic three" of drug sales-- fear, forever and faith--since you never know if it's working or you need it but fear stopping. But 15 years after women began swallowing bisphosphonates like Boniva and Fosamax because pharma-planted bone density machines in medical offices revealed they had "osteopenia,"* bisphosphonates are linked to jaw bone death, esophageal cancer and causing the fractures they were supposed to prevent. Sorry about that. Now pharma is hawking Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) like Evista and Tamoxifen to prevent osteoporosis and even some cancers. Unfortunately they can cause others…
一藥丸用以預防絕經後的骨質疏鬆症包裝有藥品銷售的“神奇三” - 恐懼、永遠和信念 - 因為你永不知道它會否工作,或者您會否需要它,但是恐懼則停止。而在15年後當女性開始吞嚥雙磷酸鹽類藥物,如Boniva和福善美,因為在醫療辦公室的製藥種植骨密度機械透露,他們有“骨質疏鬆,”* 雙磷酸鹽類藥物是聯繫至顎骨死亡、食道癌,並造成他們應可避免的骨折,深感抱歉。現在藥廠是在販賣選擇性雌激素受體調節劑(SERMs),如Evista和他莫昔芬,以防止骨質疏鬆症及甚至某些癌症,遺憾的是它們能導致其它的...

2. Statin Deficiency

If it seems like the whole world is on statins, it's not your imagination. Last year the FDA approved AstraZeneca's Crestor for children as young as 10 and in March it approved Crestor for 6.5 million people who have no cholesterol or heart problems at all! (See: fear, forever and faith.) Many say, since lead investigator of the Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention study Paul Ridker of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston is co-patent holder/inventor of the C-reactive protein (CRP) test which "proves" Crestor's effectiveness, there's a conflict of interest. Others say, since CRP isn't necessarily even a marker for heart disease and statins can cause Type 2 diabetes, it's bad science along with a conflict of interest.)
如果它好像整個世界都是倚賴他汀類藥物,它不是你的想像。去年美國藥管局( FDA)批准阿斯利康的Crestor給年僅至 10歲的兒童,和在3月核准Crestor給六百五十萬人,他們完全無膽固醇或心髒病的問題! (看:恐懼、永遠和信念。)很多人說,由於使用他汀類藥物於初級預防研究的辯解的主要研究者保羅 Ridker布里格姆,與在波士頓婦女醫院是C -反應蛋白(CRP)測試 - 那“證明”Crestor的的效用 - 的共同專利持有人/發明人,是有利益衝突。其他人說,由於 CRP不一定是心髒病的一個標誌,和他汀類藥物可引起2型糖尿病,它是偽科學隨著利益衝突。)

3. Circadian Dysrhythmia

Insomnia is a gold mine for pharma because everyone sleeps -- or watches TV when they can't.
失眠對藥廠是一個金礦,因為每個人都睡覺 - 或看電視當他們不能睡時。
But Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and Rozerem have reached market saturation, so pharma is rolling out subcategories like nocturnal, middle-of-the-night (MOTN) and terminal insomnia and sleep eating, sleep walking and sleep sweating (yes sweating) to boost the franchise. Meanwhile another demo is swelling Circadian Dysrhythmia numbers: Thanks to restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder, people who skimp on sleep and of course insomnia meds themselves, there's an epidemic of excessive sleepiness! Enter Provigil --"a mood-brightening and memory-enhancing psychostimulant which enhances wakefulness and vigilance," -- Adderall and Vyvanse, known in the days of Lenny Bruce -- also an "excessive sleepiness" sufferer -- as speed.

4. Adult Autism, ADHD and Refusal to Play Nicey

Having marketed adult diseases like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in 4-year-olds to death, pharma is now finding childhood diseases in adults. Adults with ADHD have hyperactivity, impulsivity, "executive function deficits" and "difficulty with organization and time management," says Harvard Medical School's Joseph Biederman, in a 2004 JAMA. The disease, found in most people's brother-in-laws, requires "lifelong" medication says Biederman, who was accused of pushing Risperdal and hiding pharma income by Congress in 2008. Adults may suffer from autism too says a 2008 article in Psychiatric News, if they're "unsociable, extremely rigid, given to angry outbursts" and "acutely sensitive to light, heat, and pain." Luckily, in two studies "SSRI antidepressants led to a decrease in repetitive behaviors and to somewhat more socializing," in adults with autism says Psychiatric News.





