

德國政府行動斬藥物管理者 大型製藥公司反對

德國政府行動斬藥物管理者 大型製藥公司反對
German Government Moves to Axe Drug Regulator Opposed By Big Pharma

Monday, 11 January 2010 17:07
News - Latest News

The removal of a key German government official who has refused to give approval to inadequately tested medicines was a "core" condition of the health factions of the Christian Democrats and the FDP for forming a coaliton government, it has emerged.

According to Der Spiegel, health officials from both parties pressed for the removal of Peter Sawicki from his position as head of a drug regulator and quality control institute in 2010 and for his replacement by someone "more friendly to the industry."
600 doctors, including 50 university professors, have, in the meantime, signed a petition in eight days in a bid to force the government to keep Sawicki, arguing they need objective and impartial information on medicines.

IQWiG-Chef unter Beschuss

Ärzte machen sich für kritischen Arzneimittelprüfer stark
Von Veronika Hackenbroch


Er ist Pharmaindustrie und schwarz-gelber Regierung ein Dorn im Auge: Die Koalition arbeitet an der Ablösung des Leiters des Instituts für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, Peter Sawicki.

德國政府每人給予葛蘭素史克和諾華公司一千萬歐元 發展大流行疫苗
German Government Gave GSK and Novartis 10 Million Euros Each To Develop Pandemic Vaccine

Monday, 11 January 2010 16:56
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The German government gave 10 million euros to GlaxoSmithKline and 10 million euros to Novartis to produce pandemic vaccines, it has emerged after Green MP Harald Terpe tabled parliamentary questions on the contracts in December.

The contract to produce vaccines in the event of a pandemic was not put out to competitive tender.

It has also been revealed that the government appointed a group met as early as 2002 to prepare a pandemic plan involving a mass vaccination campaign.
The revelation that German tax payers even subsided the development of the pandemic vaccines underlines the influence the pharmaceutical companies have on the government.
The German tax payers have paid for the development of the pandemic vaccines, for 700 million euros worth of vaccines as well as for the government propaganda campaign to persaude people to take those vaccines, raising the issue of just who runs Germany?

The pharmaceutical companies?

German States To Keep 34 Million Swine Flu Jabs

Monday, 11 January 2010 16:47
News - Latest News

The German federal states will have to keep 34 million jabs of the untested and toxic swine flu vaccine under a deal reached on Thursday with GlaxoSmithKline according to Bild newspaper.

Isn't it time for the police to start to investigate these extraordinary contracts and the officials who are agree to hand over 100s of millions of taxpayers money to pharma companies for unwanted jabs that should never have been purchased in the first place?

"Bild": Länder ein Drittel weniger Schweinegrippe-Impfstoff abnehmen

Montag, 11. Januar, 16:28 Uhr

Die Bundesländer müssen von der Pharmaindustrie laut einem Medienbericht nur rund 34 Millionen Impfdosen gegen die Schweinegrippe abnehmen und damit rund ein Drittel weniger als ursprünglich vereinbart. Dadurch sparen die Länder Kosten von rund 133 Millionen Euro, wie die "Bild"-Zeitung (Dienstagsausgabe) berichtet. Bund und Länder hatten sich am vergangenen Donnerstag mit dem Pharmakonzern Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) auf eine Reduzierung der Schweinegrippe-Impfdosen geeinigt.
