Tile fish is high in mercury. What is mercury poisoning? What are the symptoms of mercury poisoning?
Why is mercury dangerous? What is mercury poisoning? What are the symptoms of mercury poisoning?
January 10, 2:22 PMDisease Prevention ExaminerPeggy Kraus
Also known as "mad hatter's disease," mercury poisoning was widespread in the 19th century. Hat makers used large amounts of mercury-containing compounds to treat felt and fur, and suffered the consequences and went "mad."
Simply said, mercury poisoning occurs when you are exposed to high levels of mercury, a heavy metal. High levels of mercury are found in certain fish, such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tile fish. Shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish contain lower levels of mercury and do not pose the same risk.
Heavy metals, such as mercury, denature or alter the three-dimensional structure of proteins by disrupting the protein's stable bonds. When proteins are denatured, they can no longer carry out important bodily functions, which include the transport of substances around the body, the regulation of fluid balance, the support and movement of the skeleton, and the communication between tissues and organs. Once proteins are denatured, they cannot resume their original shape.
High levels of mercury exposure can cause numbness, hearing loss, visual probelms, difficulty walking, and severe emotional and cognitive difficulties. People who consume serveral servings of canned albacore tuna each week may be at risk for mercury poisoning.
EU Acknowledged Health Risks of Mercury in 2008
Sunday, 17 January 2010 14:29
News - Highlighted News
Accepting the scientific evidence that mercury is a health risk, the European Commission ordered the export of mercury to be banned in the European Union from 2011 in September 2008.
If the European Commission accepts the scientific evidence for mercury toxicity is strong enough to effect an export ban, why mercury it allowed to be used inside the European Union, specifically in the swine flu jab by the European drug regulator, the EMEA?
The fact that the EMEA has allowed the use of mercury in the swine flu jab in spite of the overwhelming evidence that it must have in its possession that merury poses a serious health risk strongly suggests an intention to cause damage and death.
EU to ban mercury exports by 2011
Health cited as reason
Published: Thursday, September 25, 2008
BRUSSELS - The export of mercury will be banned in the European Union from 2011 in order to reduce health risks, the European Commission announced Thursday.
Alongside the ban, which includes mixtures of metallic mercury with other substances, the new rules to be introduced in March 2011 will oblige all mercury already in Europe to be "safely stored" so as not to cause a hazard.
"Mercury poses a threat to human health and the environment in the European Union and globally," said EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas.
"This important piece of legislation will protect citizens by significantly reducing exposure to this highly toxic metal.
"Let us hope that other countries will follow our example," he added.
A commission spokeswoman said that the 27 EU member states would in January consider whether a ban on mercury imports is also required.
The EU ended all mercury extraction in 2001 but remains the world's biggest exporter, supplying around a quarter of global consumption of mercury.
Mercury and its compounds are highly toxic to humans and high doses can be fatal.
The use of mercury is declining worldwide but it is still used in small-scale gold mining, the chlor-alkali industry and production of vinyl-chloride monomer, the basis of PVC plastic.
It has also been used in dental amalgam for fillings.
Environment: Commission welcomes adoption of legislation to ban EU mercury exports
European Union
The European Commission welcomes the final adoption by the Council today of legislation banning all exports of mercury from the European Union. The export ban is a key part of the EU’s strategy for reducing the global supply of mercury and thereby limiting emissions of the highly toxic heavy metal into the environment. The legislation requires mercury that is no longer used in the chlor-alkali industry – the chemical industry sector responsible for chlorine and caustic soda production – or that is produced in certain other industrial operations, to be put into safe storage once the export ban takes effect in March 2011.
Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said: “Mercury poses a threat to human health and the environment in the European Union and globally. This important piece of legislation will protect citizens by significantly reducing exposure to this highly toxic metal. Let us hope that other countries will follow our example and support our goal of cutting the global supply of this dangerous substance.”
Dangers of mercury exposure
Mercury and its compounds are highly toxic to humans, animals and ecosystems. High doses can be fatal to humans, but even relatively low doses can seriously affect the nervous system and have been linked with possible harmful effects on the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. Mercury persists in the environment, where it can change into methylmercury, its most toxic form. Methylmercury readily passes through both the placenta and the blood-brain barrier, so exposure of women of child-bearing age and of children is of greatest concern.
Mercury use
Use of mercury is declining at both global and EU levels. Yet some significant uses remain. Globally, the main uses of mercury are in small-scale gold mining, the chlor-alkali industry and production of vinyl-chloride monomer, the basis of PVC plastic. In the EU only the chlor-alkali industry remains a significant user, and it is progressively phasing out the use of mercury-containing cells in its production of chlorine. The next most significant use in the EU is in dental amalgam.
EU mercury exports
Although the EU stopped all forms of mercury mining in 2001, it is the world’s biggest exporter – responsible for up to a quarter of the global mercury supply. The new legislation is designed to ensure that several thousand tonnes of mercury will be taken out of circulation and stored in a way preventing its release. Euro Chlor, a federation representing the European chlor-alkali manufacturing industry, has made a voluntary commitment to ensure safe storage of mercury from the industry and compliance with all relevant national and EU legislation.
The Commission launched the EU’s mercury strategy – a comprehensive plan addressing mercury pollution both in the EU and globally – in January 2005. It consists of 20 measures to reduce mercury emissions, cut supply and demand and protect against exposure, especially to methylmercury found in fish. The export ban and safe storage of surplus mercury are major aspects of the strategy.
2 則留言:
[b]小心魚毒素!! [/b]
由於天然環境的污染及水質污染,魚類可能帶有毒素,例如PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls多氯聯苯)及水銀。
[b]「高水銀魚類有以下四種:鯊魚(Shark)、劍魚(Swordfish)、大鯖魚(King Mackerel)及方頭魚(Tilefish)[b],體形愈大的魚愈老,接觸這些有害物質愈長時間,故水銀含量亦較高。」余思行說。
高水銀魚 每周只可一餐
精明揀魚 避開水銀
珊瑚魚 咪亂食
孔雀石綠 大量才有害
魚類品種 水銀含量(微克/公斤)
劍魚 970-1820
鯊魚 540-1500
旗魚 1,100-1,430
方頭魚 1,450
鮫魚 730
藍鰭吞拿魚 730
大眼吞拿魚 639-740 註:以每公斤不超於500微克為安全標準。