

NWO 新世界秩序的臨到

多謝網友Alvin 電傳此NWO連結,我將舊帖部份資料併合,做了這個主題。

Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!
紧急广播:新世界秩序就在前方[Emergency Broadcast New World Order Ahead!]
New World Order is starting NOW! **must see**

New EU president confirms New World Order desire (19Nov09)


新歐盟總统宣佈計劃 少數精英"统治"世界
New EU president announces plans for world "rule" by tiny elite

Saturday, 21 November 2009 12:58
News - Latest News

New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as “first year of global governance”

Daniel Taylor
OLd-thinker News
November 20, 2009

The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” During Rompuy’s intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”
新的歐盟總统龍佩,已宣布2009年為“第一年的全球 统治。”他在11月19日的干預去作為總統時說,“2009年亦是全球统治的第一年,透過在金融危機中間建立的20國集團;在哥本哈根的氣候會議是另一步朝向我們的星球的全球管理。“
Rompuy attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels on November 15th, during which he announced a plan to implement EU wide taxes that will be paid directly to Brussels. Recently Mario Borghezio (Italy), member of the European Parliament, spoke openly against the influence of globalist organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. “Is it possible that no one has noticed that all 3 (EU Presidential candidates) frequently attend Bilderberg or Trilateral meetings?,” asked Borghezio. Rompuy will undoubtedly serve globalist interests during his reign of the European Union.
龍佩11月15日在布魯塞爾Hertoginnendal出席彼爾德伯格晚宴,席間他宣布了一項計劃,以執行歐盟範圍內稅項,此將直接支付給布魯塞爾。最近歐洲議會成員馬里奧Borghezio(意大利),公開說出針對全球主義者組織,如彼爾德伯格集團和三邊委員會。 “這有可能沒有人注意到,所有3名(歐盟總統候選人)經常出席彼爾德伯格或三邊會會議?”Borghezio問。龍佩在他統治歐洲聯盟期間,將毫無疑問服務全球主義者的利益。

新世界秩序的"全球统治"由 2010年1月1日開始
The NWO's "Global Governance" begins on Jan 1, 2010

For those of you who have always been skeptical about any kind of new world order, here's all the irrefutible proof you'll ever see in the mainstream media! The vatican, and the newl EU President will make the announcement in about 40 more days from now!
Then, when Obama signs the USA aboard that "Climate Control Treaty", better known as "Cap-N-Trade", our constitution will be no more! I and many others tried to warn everybody from the average citizen to our politicians, and yet nobody would listen. Well, now it's too late, and we all who refuse to conform or reform, will be seeing each other at the nearest concentration camp that haliburton has built for us in the next few short years! This is no joke people, I am dead serious, but I know there will still be some of you who doubt this, eventhough it's right in front of your fact!


The Holy Roman Empire becomes official, January 1, 2010

In the nex two months, the Holy Romany Empire is going to be Official in Europe......They're going to sign the consititution in November 2009, and it's called the Libson Treaty.....a new constitution that is, in many ways, very undemocratic. But there is a lot of deceit going on in Europe but the world is simply unaware of.

On January 1 of 2020 they......they'll appoint a Foreign Minister and a President, and will officially become a Roman Empire. Then they're going to begin to develop a military that your Bible says is going to be so powerful it's going to shock this world, and it's going to excel any other military empire on this earth. So says your Bible.

So it's not a good thing certainly for America and Britain and the Jews in the Middle East.....that Otto van Habsburg said. He is from the famous Habsburg dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire....he had this to say:"The European community is living largeyly by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empirem though the great majority of the people who live by it don't know by what heritage they live."

So what is the Holy Roman Empire all about? What is the new institution all about? It is going to be a political and a religious and a MILITARY union and it's going to be what the Bilble calls the "seventh head" of the Holy Roman Empire. Although the Bible doesn't call it that, it's.......


被黑氣候電子郵件包括稱呼如 "地球政府'為新世界秩序的基礎,分裂美國
Hacked climate emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order, splitting of America

Wednesday, 25 November 2009 12:03
News - Latest News

Hacked climate emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order, splitting of America

Posted By aaron On November 24, 2009 @ 5:05 pm In Featured Stories 137

November 24, 2009

One of the leaked climate emails was apparently a press release from “Earth Government” Newsletter dated 27 Mar 2003. The document calls for a ‘democratic’ world government that would amalgamate and reform the prevailing global institutions including the United Nations, IMF, World Bank WTO, NAFTA, FTAA and others “for the good of all.”

It further refers to an “Earth Court of Justice to deal with all aspects of the Governance and Management of the Earth.” The document also makes mention of the “Foundation for the new world order, Earth Government” and “The splitting of America into separate independent states living at peace for the good of all.” Is this a revelation of the true intentions of certain environmental advocates, or just one of many emails in the background of calls to “hide the decline” of global temperatures (despite intense claims of global warming).

It is eerily similar to newly named EU President Herman Von Rompuy’s calls for Copenhagen to establish “global management” of the planet and Queen Elizabeth’s recent declaration during her throne speech at the opening of Parliament that “My government will seek effective global and European collaboration through the G20 and the European Union to sustain economic recovery and to combat climate change, including at the Copenhagen summit next month.”

The bulk of the leaked or hacked climate emails can be found at Wikileaks. If you download the emails and look for email #1048799107.txt you will see it. Thanks to Jonathan at NWObabylon.blogspot.com for the tip.

Below is the email in full:


From: Earth Government
Subject: Press release from Earth Government and April Newsletter
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 16:05:07 -0800

Press release from Earth Government and April Newsletter

This Press release from Earth Government is found at

Formation of Earth Government for the good of all

March 27th, 2003

To all Peoples of the Earth,

Earth has long been waiting for a truly global governing body based on universal values,
human rights, global concepts and democracy. Earth Government might as well be created now,
there is no longer any reason to wait. We are the Earth Community, and we will form the
Earth Government. Earth management is a priority and is a duty by every responsible person.
A democratically elected Earth Government will now be formed, and we want you to reflect on
future effects of such an event on the history of humanity. Certainly one will expect
extraordinary changes: a reorganizing of human activities all over the planet;
participation by all societies on the planet in solving local and global problems; new
alliances forming; north meeting with south (eradication of poverty will be the price to
pay to get votes from the south) in order to gather more votes within the newly created
Earth Government to satisfy power struggles between European, Asian and Western countries;
adoption of democratic principles, human and Earth rights, global concepts, and universal
values by every human being; expansion of consciousness; gathering and coordinating of
forces to resolve social and political problems in a peaceful way (no more conflicts or
wars); gathering and coordinating of forces (technologies, scientific research, exploration
work, human resources, etc.) to resolve global problems such as global climate,
environment, availability of resources, poverty, employment, etc. Thousands more changes!

Let your heart and mind reflect on ‘the good’ of a democratically elected Earth Government.
Everyone is part of Earth Community by birth and therefore everyone has a right to vote.
Everyone should be given a chance to vote. Decisions will be made democratically.

Earth Government is proposing that:
a) different nations may require different political systems at different times
b) a democratic system is not a “must have it” to be a responsible member nation of the
Earth Government
c) all democracies are to be upgraded, or improved upon, to be a responsible member nation
of the Earth Government. The Scale of Human and Earth Rights and the Charter of the Earth
Government are the newly added requirements to all democratic systems of the world.

In today’s Earth Government it is important for our survival to cooperate globally on
several aspects such as peace, security, pollution in the air, water and land, drug trade,
shelving the war industry, keeping the world healthy, enforcing global justice for all,
eradicating poverty worldwide, replacing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the
Scale of Human and Earth Rights, and entrenching the Charter of Earth Government as a way
of life for the good of all.

(for more, pls enter link)


WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model

Wednesday, 25 November 2009 12:02
News - Latest News

WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model

Daniel Taylor
Old-thinker News
November 24, 2009

Herman Van Rompuy, the first President of the European Union, recently announced during his installment that 2009 was the first year of global governance. Indeed, 2009 has seen major steps towards global governance. The establishment has also taken severe blows this year, which will be discussed shortly. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and frequent attendee of secret Bilderberg meetings, sees the European Union as a testing ground for the machinery of international governance. In a speech in Italy on November 9th, Lamy stated that the EU model should be used on a global scale.

Herman Van Rompuy.

National sovereignty has no place in Lamy’s ideal globalist vision. Local communities, states and countries’ laws would be superseded by a regional – as is the case with the EU – or international body. Lamy points to the EU, where, “The fact that Community law takes precedence over national law. The creation of a supranational body such as the European Commission that has been given the monopoly of initiating legislation. A European Court of Justice whose decisions are binding on national judges.” This governance structure – along with the EU Presidency – is now possible after the recent ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, means that “…individual countries will have a harder time blocking EU legislation.”

Pascal Lamy admits that global governance is an abstract and distant idea. Historically, especially with the United States and its libertarian roots, governance is local and familiar with the people and their needs. He states, “In sum, the specific challenge of legitimacy in global governance is to deal with the perceived too-distant, non-accountable and non-directly challengeable decision-making at the international level.”

Ultimately, Lamy sees the United Nations playing a central role in global governance, with the G20 and other international groups reporting directly to the “parliament” of the UN. This beginning stage, according to Lamy, will eventually condense into a solid world government.

“Menace of a new war”

Global and regional governance faces another problem, specifically the fact that without the perception of an outside threat the coherence of the system falls apart. Lamy states,

“The anthropological dimension of supranationality has probably been underestimated. Once the imminence of the menace of a new war has disappeared from our horizon, it is as if the glue that holds Europe together as a community will also disappear. As if there were no common myths, dreams and aspirations.”

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Lamy goes on to admit that, “…We are witnessing a growing distance between European public opinions and the European project.” Despite popular resistance, the establishment is continuing its agenda. Outside of war, global warming hysteria is, as the 1991 Club of Rome report The First Global Revolution proposed, a unifying threat – or perhaps more appropriately a unifying myth, as Lamy stated – that the global government needs to maintain any veil of legitimacy. The Club of Rome report states,

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

Herman Van Rompuy has stated that the upcoming Copenhagen climate change treaty “…is another step towards the global management of our planet.” Additionally, the anthropogenic global warming theory will give the global government a taxing mechanism on a world-wide scale.

Amidst this sobering news, there is hope. Recently, shocking e-mails from the England based Climate Research Unit were hacked. They reveal that leading global warming scientists worked together to actively block “climate deniers” from having papers published. Most shockingly, they show that the science behind global warming was in fact manipulated by these scientists to fit their agenda. These revelations are devastating to the entire push for carbon taxes and global governance to combat the boogey man threat of man-made global warming.

The establishment is moving forward, but not without resistance.



