

TPTB - The Powers that Be 揸權的人


Who Are The Powers That Be?

I am still relatively new to the internet, (a little over two years now.), and before actively engaging in sites such as this and others, I had never really seen the acronym TPTB. I had heard the phrase before but had never heard it used as often as I do on the internet and nowhere have I seen it used more often than in ATS.

It is a strange term to me and always has been since I first heard it. I feel compelled to start this thread because I often see this phrase used side by side with very wise words of wisdom and the association of these words of wisdom with TPTB, in my estimation, only seems to undermine the words of wisdom.

An example of what I am referring to would be the assertion that the left/right paradigm is merely a construct created by The Powers That Be to keep We the People divided. The assertion that the left/right paradigm is only a construct I believe is a correct perception. However, it is a perception rooted in a very high level of awareness...an extremely high level of awareness. So high is this level of awareness that it seems to me if one was that aware they would also be aware that The Powers That Be, used in the context it is often used in this site, is merely a construct as well.

First, let me address this awareness of constructs such as right/left or good and evil. On a high level of awareness there is no right wing or left wing anymore than there is good or evil. There simply is what is and even what is, is because of agreement. On a higher plane of awareness it is entirely possible for two contradictory truths to exist together and both be true. It is only when our level of awareness drops down to lower levels that these contradictions take on the effect of being either right or wrong.

In order to operate on a high level of awareness, and I am surely not one who has mastered such operation, it seems to me that one is impervious to the effects of right/left, right/wrong, or good/evil. We can all, at times, and some of us often times, posses that high level of awareness but don't always effectively operate at that level. Thus, while we may be aware that right/left or good/evil are simply constructs we have created to measure our own deeds, if we are not operating functionally at that level we become susceptible to the constructs we are aware are only constructs.

If we become aware that good and evil are simply paradigms by which we use to measure the deeds of our own actions and others, but are not impervious to these constructs, we all too often fall prey to the construct and whats worse, we fall prey to the wrong one. If we are not impervious to the construct of good/evil but dismiss the construct as not being real we too often then find ourselves sucked into evil deeds and thoughts rather than embracing good deeds and thoughts.

I have heard it said that no good deed goes unpunished. What form of evil is this? What insidious act of disinformation is it when an idea is presented that warns against doing good deeds? Of course, on a higher level of awareness, there are no such things as good deeds or evil acts there are simply the choices we make. Yet, I have also heard it said that good is that which all things aim. It strikes me as a truism, that good is that which all things aim.

Even those who commit evil acts are aiming towards a good, even if that good is merely a construct and there really is no good or evil. If we all operated on the highest level of awareness there would be no need for constructs such as good and evil as we are all operating on a level where our actions, indeed our very thoughts, are free from harming others needlessly and even the qualification of needless harm becomes moot as no one is harming anyone else and because of this there is no need to defend oneself and justify causing harm to them.

Tragically, we do not all operate on the highest level of awareness and because of this the constructs we create become necessary gauges by which we decide how to act. Throughout this musing I have made many references to cause and effect. We are all beings of cause, even when we are being the effect of someone else and their cause. Their cause becomes our effect and that effect becomes our cause.

If it is true that we are all causative beings, then why abdicate that power to an artificial construct such as The Powers That Be? To point ones finger and declare that it is they, The Powers That Be, that are the source of our own problems, is to lay blame when blame is, quite simply, irrelevant. Blame doesn't help us fix problems and all too often distracts from getting those problems fixed.

Problems are not good or bad, they may or may not be fixed by relying upon perceptions from a right wing point of view or a left wing point of view and the consequences of fixing that problem may or may not lead to perceptions of good or evil, but problems are merely opportunities to be cause over or the effect of. It is easy to be the effect of a problem and difficult, sometimes very much so, to be cause over a problem, but to be cause is who are.

Who are The Powers That Be? They are us and we are either the cause of that power or the effect of it. I have heard it said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It strikes me there is truth in this as well. We are all powerful beings and that power collectively is a remarkable force, but if it becomes a force to be used absolutely then it is a corrupt force that brings only more problems. We are pretty damn powerful as individuals and not well equipped to handle anymore power than what we all ready posses and for good reason; power corrupts. It is good this collective power remains evenly spread amongst us and we all do ourselves a great disservice when we willingly grant more power to others than they can handle.

We do them a great disservice and we do ourselves a great disservice and we do all of us a great disservice. The Powers That Be, if they are not you and instead some consortium of people with an agenda, can not make you do anything you do not agree to do. They have no more cause over you than the effect you are willing to be.

These are my thoughts and I offer them not as words of wisdom, I certainly have no intentions to lecture anyone, merely discuss The Powers That Be and come to know them here as we together might agree that it is We who are that Power and We who would be Cause over the problems we face.


Saturday Night Live Segment Last Night - Spraying of People with Viruses from Helicopters

Notice they say Spraying Twice - Once very fast - they say "Spraying" then they say "people will get sick as Hell - Helicopters will Spray your asses with Viruses" and then they show a helicopter spraying. (It is about 3/4's into the segment - where they show the helicopter spraying)
注意他們說噴灑兩次- 一次非常快-他們說:“噴塗”,然後他們說:“人們會似地獄般生病-噴霧直升機將噴灑病毒在你屁股上”,然後他們便顯示出噴灑中的直升機。 (這是約四分之三部份-在這他們顯示那架噴灑中的直升機
They say - "your ears will bleed" in the beginning - at the very end, they say "you will literally be Underground".
他們在開始說: “你們的耳朵會流血”-在最後他們說:“你們簡直就在地底”。
I find these things of interest, considering, part of the PTB "moral codes" are to tell the people in advance what will be happening to them, in one way or another. If you look back in history - we have always been forewarned about what is going to happen. It is from my understanding part of the PTB rules "The people have to be told and that way, they are Okay with it happening". (someone asked me what PTB means - sorry - I did not specify the meaning before. PTB = Powers That Be)
我覺得這些事有趣,考慮下部分PTB“道德守則”,是要以這種或那種方式,預先告訴人們知道他們會發生事。如果你回顧歷史-我們經常被預先警告什麼事情會發生。這是我對部分TPTB規則的理解“人民要被告知和以那方式,他們與它發生時冇問題”。 (有人問我什麼是TPTB-對不起-我在之前沒有指出意思。TPTB=那裡在的權勢)
Just another thought - How long before this segment is taken off the net and the NBC SNL site? (Once we have been forewarned and a T.V. show tells us what is going to happen - after a certain amount of time - that T.V. show segment is not to be found nor shown on T.V. again). Research history - you will see this fact is true.


TPTB規則?!那The Simposns Code揭示是不是光明會自己放出,唔係點觧有咁準確?!放在卡通片是循例通知人,如果唔係我地咁一路跟住,好似外地咁就算係美國本土,都冇人信呢套卡通片的提示內容啦?!
