


'Coffee Party' kicked off to counterweight Tea Party

Sun, 14 Mar 2010 16:38:48 GMT

The liberals and pro-Obama activists across the United States have launched their Coffee Party initiative as a response to the conservative conventional Tea Parties.
The party, which boasts more than 141,000 Facebook fans as of Saturday, said in its statement that "today's coffee houses have been a huge success — both for Coffee Party USA and for democracy. All across the US, Americans from all political sides sat down for civil conversation and, of course, coffee," reported CNN.
咖啡黨在上週六擁有超過 141,000 Facebook粉絲,在聲明中說:“今天的咖啡屋已經是巨大的成功 - 包括美國的咖啡黨和民主兩者。所有人橫跨美國,來自所有政治派別的美國人坐下閒談,和當然有咖啡,“CNN報導。
Coffee Party founder Annabel Park, who was a volunteer campaigner in Barack Obama's presidential team, dismissed claims that her party is "aligned" with any party, describing the US bipartisan political system as outdated.
Park said the disputed healthcare plan is indicative of the fact that the government is not working.
派克說爭議的醫療保健計劃,是一個事實 的直說,即政府唔掂。
"We feel like the health care debate showed not only that we are a very divided country, but there's something really wrong with our political process. We kind of got to see the innards of the political process and realize there's something very broken. I think that's what we're responding to."
Reacting to the move, people in the conservative Tea Party camp characterized it as a weak attempt and a fabricated response to their own cause.

"This Coffee Party looks like a weak attempt at satire or a manufactured response to a legitimate widespread grassroots movement," says Brendan Steinhauser, director of federal and state campaigns for FreedomWorks, that organizers Tea Parties.

Jim Hoft of the St. Louis Tea Party said argued that the Coffee Party "is driven from the top down and it's not a grass-roots movement driven from the bottom up."


