Bizarre speculation circles weather bureauFrom: The Daily Telegraph
April 02, 2010 12:01AM

THEY are the digital-age equivalent of crop circles - mysterious patterns appearing on the Bureau of Meteorology's national radar system without any explanation.
它們是相當於數字年代的麥田怪圈 - 神秘的圖案出現在氣象局的國家雷達系統,並沒有任何解釋。
And the random images described as red stars, rings of fire and white doughnuts are sending online conspiracy websites into meltdown.
The anomalies first began on January 15 when an "iced doughnut" appeared over Kalgoorlie in WA.
Satellite imagery showed there was no cloud over the area at the time to explain the unusual phenomenon but farmers' online comments claimed it was "unusually hot" all day.
It was followed by a bizarre red star over Broome on January 22 and a sinister spiral burst over Melbourne described by amateur radar buffs as the Ring Of Fire Fault.
其後是一粒奇怪的紅星 於1月22日在布魯姆上空,和一不祥的螺旋在墨爾本突然出現,被業餘雷達發燒友描述為火失誤之環。
The Bureau, which did not respond to repeated requests for comment, has acknowledged the anomalies on its popular website.
It has since posted a disclaimer above the national loop feed putting the images down to "occasional interference to the radar data".
自此它已發布一項免責聲明在國家的loop feed上,放低影像至“偶然對雷達數據的干擾”。
"The Bureau is currently investigating ways to reduce these interferences," the disclaimer said.
Conspiracy websites, however, have lit up with dozens of breathless theories behind the strange anomalies from alien involvement, secret military testing to government weather modification.
One theory gaining traction online is the belief the US military has expanded its High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Based at a remote research station in Alaska, the HAARP project involves shooting extremely high frequency radar bursts into the upper reaches of the atmosphere to see what happens after particles of the ionosphere are temporarily excited.
Ostensibly the research is to study the effects of solar flares on radio communications and improve missile detection and navigation systems.
But, unlike the failed cloud seeding experiments of yesteryear, conspiracy theorists claim HAARP is engaged in a sophisticated form of weather modification and that testing is also being done from a secret facility near Exmouth in Western Australia.
但是,不同於去年失敗的種雲試驗,陰謀論者聲稱 HAARP從事一個複雜形式的天氣改變,和在西澳洲埃克斯茅斯附近的一座秘密設施亦正在進行測試。
UK electrical engineer and crop circle expert Colin Andrews said Australians deserve an explanation.
Until (the Bureau of Meteorology) make a formal and complete response to all the various strange patterns, one can only speculate about what is taking place," he said.
Mr Andrews urged people concerned by the bizarre radar symbols and strange weather patterns to contact the Bureau of Meteorology or a government representative.
Another theory suggests the anomalies appear before major weather events such as cyclones Olga and Paul and the violent storms which hit Victoria in recent weeks.
Others argue objects in the atmosphere emitting powerful radiation could be behind the mystery.
更多說法 海地地震是HAARP所引致的
正確的 HAARP 環預測
回顧 - 耀眼的天空 - 絕密武器的部署?