The Cytokine Storm
Topic started on 21-11-2009 @ 03:04 PM by L.HAMILTON
There is concern that the Swine Flu Vaccine is in fact designed to trigger a Cytokine Storm reaction once vaccinated with an immune adjuvant called squalene MF-59, which has shown to cause severe autoimune disorders. It is believed that the Cykotine Storm was the kwick- kill factor in the 1918 virus that killed millions of people. According to the following article " Populations of all western nations practicing socialized welfare systems have already had their ability to shut down the Cytokine Storm greatly impaired by six to ten years of chemtrail spraying. Now, if the part of your immune system that produces the Cytokine Storm is put on hyper drive by the swine flu shot, when the real H1N1 virus comes along in December or January, your chances of survival are going to be very poor. " Didn't people in Ukraine report of aerial spraying just prior to thousands falling ill to a more virulent form of flu that directly attacks the victims lungs , turning them black ?
有這擔心豬流感疫苗其實是為了引發細胞素風暴反應 ...一旦接種咗一種免疫佐藥角鯊烯MF- 59,這已展示過會造成嚴重自動免疫混亂。Cykotine風暴據信是在1918年病毒造成數百萬人死亡的主因。根據下面的文章“所有西方國家實行社會福利制度的居民,已經有能力去關閉大為削弱了6至10年的拖曳噴灑的細胞素風暴。現在,如果你的免疫系統部分產生細胞素風暴,是由豬流感注射作興奮驅動的,當真正的H1N1病毒在12月或1月出現時,你生存的機會將是非常差。 “ ,在數千人因一種更致命的流感而不適,被直接攻擊受害者的肺部示及將肺部變黑之前,不是有人在烏克蘭報告有空中噴灑嗎?
Ukraine's Mutant 'Black Lung' Virus Spreading
(明報)2009年5月7日 星期四 05:05
有這麼多青壯年人死亡,是由於其免疫系統會對入侵的病毒出現過激反應,引發「細胞素風暴」(cytokine storm),血液和其他流體物質攜帶這些免疫細胞灌入肺部,引發急性呼吸窘迫綜合症,最終令患者死亡。而長者通常曾感染不同的病毒,多種抗體起到交叉保護作用,他們對新型病毒的反應也不會很激烈,死亡率較低。
Cytokine storm
A cytokine storm, or hypercytokinemia is a potentially fatal immune reaction consisting of a positive feedback loop between cytokines and immune cells, with highly elevated levels of various cytokines.[1]
The primary symptoms of a cytokine storm are high fever, swelling and redness, extreme fatigue and nausea. In some cases the immune reaction may be fatal.
When the immune system is fighting pathogens, cytokines signal immune cells such as T-cells and macrophages to travel to the site of infection. In addition, cytokines activate those cells, stimulating them to produce more cytokines. Normally, this feedback loop is kept in check by the body. However, in some instances, the reaction becomes uncontrolled, and too many immune cells are activated in a single place. The precise reason for this is not entirely understood but may be caused by an exaggerated response when the immune system encounters a new and highly pathogenic invader. Cytokine storms have potential to do significant damage to body tissues and organs. If a cytokine storm occurs in the lungs, for example, fluids and immune cells such as macrophages may accumulate and eventually block off the airways, potentially resulting in death.[citation needed]
The cytokine storm (hypercytokinemia) is the systemic expression of a healthy and vigorous immune system resulting in the release of more than 150 known inflammatory mediators (cytokines, oxygen free radicals, and coagulation factors).[citation needed] Both pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, Interleukin-1, and Interleukin-6) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (such as interleukin 10 and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist) are elevated in the serum of patients experiencing a cytokine storm.[citation needed]
Cytokine storms can occur in a number of infectious and non-infectious diseases including graft versus host disease (GVHD), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis, avian influenza, smallpox, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).[2] Cytokine storm may also be induced by certain medications. The experimental drug TGN1412 caused extremely serious symptoms[3] likely due to a cytokine storm[4] when given to six participants in a Phase I trial.
The first reference to the term cytokine storm in the published medical literature appears to be by Ferrara et al.[5] in GVHD in February 1993.
Camelot 報告:
23 November 2009 - Update 2
• We have just received an indirect report from an apparently reliable source in Ukraine - confirming (in essence) what we reported here yesterday. More on this within 24 hours when we can update in more detail. Our source is keeping patients alive with massive doses of Vitamin D (30,000 IU per day- see our recent interview with Gabriele Stähler). In Russia, the problem is being termed "Mutant Black Lung" - the H1N1 mutation, attacking the bottom of the lungs, which has just been disclosed by the WHO. Ukraine is in partial lockdown and there is quite a lot of chaos. More soon.
我們剛剛收到一個在烏克蘭表面是可靠的消息來源的間接報告,-確認(實質上)我們昨天在此所報告,在24小時內有更多關於這事,我們可以有更多的細節更新。我們的來源是用大劑量的維他命D(每天30,000IU,看看到我們最近與Gabriele Stahler的採訪)維持患者生存。在俄羅斯,這問題是被冠以“突變黑肺” --H1N1病毒突變,攻擊肺底,這世衛已公佈。烏克蘭有部份在鎖定中和有相當多的混亂。很快有更多。
23 November 2009
• A source is sending us photos of chemtrails seen this weekend in the skies over Chicago area.. stating that this amount of activity appeared to be much worse than previously seen...
They included various photos including this one showing what they labeled as 9 visible chemtrails at once:

I live in a visible path of commercial aircraft that land at Chicago O'Hare. No commercial aircraft came through my sight today during these chemtrails (11 am - 4 pm CST). The commercial aircraft have been put back on their regular paths in my sight since about 6 pm today. It appeared that these chemtrails started south of Chicago at an unknown earlier time and finished in my sight around Milwaukee, WI around 5 pm, from my view. FYI.
They are concerned in case this may be a precursor in spreading the virus. We are posting this for the record at this time in case other reports begin to surface around the U.S. and rest of the world of unusual escalation of chemtrail activity prior to any future outbreaks.--Kerry
Camelot 的烏克蘭醫生證人報告:
24 November 2009• As promised, here's an expanded report from
our Ukraine update yesterday.
We've not communicated directly with our source, who relayed this report via an intermediary who spoke to her in depth on the phone two days ago. The source is a doctor and qualified nutritionist in Kyiv [Kiev] with recent hands-on experience of treating patients who are seriously ill with what the Russians are calling "Mutant Black Lung" - apparently an apt name for a horrific and often fatal set of symptoms.
The problem (corroborated by Dr Henry L Niman and others) is that the H1N1 virus has mutated and the new strain goes straight to the bottom of the lungs where it causes massive bleeding triggered by a cytokine storm. It's the patient's own immune over-reaction that kills them. This is what happened in the second wave in the fall of 1918 (click here and here for historical archives and photos). It's not pneumonia, and it's not pneumonic plague (which is a bacterium, not a virus - but more on that below in the final paragraph of this report). However, it's extremely nasty and can be a very fast killer of anyone affected.
這個問題(Henry L Niman 博士和其他人證實)是,H1N1病毒已經變種和新的過濾性病毒會直去肺底,在那裡細胞素風暴會導致肺部大量出血。這是患者自身的過度免疫反應殺死他們。這正是在1918年秋季(點擊這裡和這裡的歷史檔案和照片)發生的第二波爆發。這不是肺炎,並且它不是肺鼠疫(這是細菌,不是病毒--在這報告下面的最後一段有更多)。然而,它是非常討厭的,對任何受影響的人可以是非常快的殺手。
Our source said that she had kept some one seriously ill patient alive with intramuscular injections of Vitamin D: up to 30,000 IU, twice a day. This was a surgeon who had suddenly collapsed in the operating theater 40 minutes after waking up one morning. The surgeon's colleague was not so lucky: he collapsed two hours later, and was dead the next day.
She personally witnessed aircraft spraying something that was slimy and smelly over Lviv. These were NOT chemtrails - it was more like crop-dusting. The altitude was about 1500 feet [500 meters]. They were large aircraft: the windows in her 4-story building shook when one of the planes passed. This was three days before the outbreak there. That report is matched by information she learned in Kyiv, where the same planes were reported and again the outbreak occurred three days later.
她親眼目睹了飛機噴灑,這在利沃夫上空,是黏臭的,這些都不是拖曳 -它更像噴灑農藥。在海拔約1500英尺[500米],它們是大飛機:當一個飛機飛過,她那4層高建築的窗戶搖動。那噴灑是在爆發3天前,這講法是匹配她到了基輔所知的信息,在基輔那裡同樣有飛機的報告和三天後再次爆發。
There are restrictions in travel: the source's husband had to bribe his way to cross one national border. In many villages one cannot leave. In larger towns, however, it's easier to find a way out. Taxi drivers are not permitted to leave a city without a military licence. The source reported on one occasion seeing several pick-up trucks traveling together between cities which had on them a sign to the effect that one should keep clear as there were bodies on board.
(註:The Flucase曾有未經證實報導:有上千至萬人在烏克蘭西北部封鎖地區,在注射疫苗後死去。)
About 10% of patients are recovering quickly and discharging after a few days. The rest are still in hospital and if not dead are not recovering after even three weeks. She noted that they might still die, so it's impossible to establish the true CFR [Case Fatality Rate]. In the Kyiv hospital where she works 40% of the staff are ill and the 600 bed hospital - usually 2/3 full - now has 1200 patients and they have even had to move bodies out of the morgue to make room for beds. Many who did not fall ill are not reporting to work. The healthcare system is breaking down. There is nothing in the pharmacies except for Aspirin - if one is lucky. Locals are falling back on traditional remedies and some groups (for instance) were going into the forest to hunt for medicinal mushrooms because they had nothing else to use.
約10%的患者會迅速復原及幾天後出院。其餘仍然留醫,如未死亡甚至在三週後仍不能恢復。她指出他們仍可能會死,所以它不可能計算真正的CFR[病死率]。在她工作的基輔醫院,40%的工作人員都病了和在有600張病床的醫院-通常是2 / 3滿-現在有1200病人,他們甚至不得不 騰空停屍間以擺床。許多不生病的人不上班工作。醫療保健制度正逐漸死火。在藥房除了阿司匹林-要有運-什麼都沒有。當地人用回傳統藥物,和某些群體因為沒有別的可用(例如)去森林尋找藥用蘑菇。
No-one in Ukraine has accurate statistics. But WHO officials have been seen in many locations. Her colleagues are baffled because they look to the western media for news reports... and they see nothing. They cannot understand this. But what's happening in Ukraine is now being well reported in Russia. Furthermore, this H1N1 mutation is now apparently being encountered in Poland, Turkey, Russia and the Czech Republic. The source had encountered cases of bubonic and pneumonic plague professionally and was familiar with the symptoms. In this new epidemic, the severe lung damage was so similar to pneumonic plague that she said "it was as if someone had taken the bacterial component of the plague and shoved it into a virus". Please note that we are not medically qualified and cannot comment on this remark, which may have been meant descriptively rather than scientifically. We do understand that bacteria and viruses are very different, spread differently, affect the body differently, and need to be treated differently. Also please note an important interview with a Ukrainian Coroner here (a short, must-read report) - which seems very likely to be accurate. We await further information. We are also interviewing Dr Bill Deagle again within the next 48 hours.--Bill
當血液乾涸,會变成黑色,所以出現眾多"黑肺"死亡個案。即是說Cytokine Storm 和 飛機噴灑扯上關係的話,烏克蘭百六萬人染病只得三百多宗死亡,比率仍低是因為之前烏克蘭人接種的是一般疫苗和接種的人較少,假如當多人接種豬流感疫苗之後,再在某些地區或國家噴灑豬流感病毒,就會出現因Cytokine風暴而引起的死亡大幅增加。