


Nostradamus 2012 Prophecy
諾查丹瑪斯 2012年預言


Nostradamus Predicted World War III for 2010

Source: Pravda.Ru
According to astrologists and prophets, the next year of the Yellow Metal Tiger will not be easy. Researchers of Nostradamus’s predictions talk about some mysterious Virgin whose death is wanted and about the appearance of some “heartless, blood-thirsty” leader who will rule with “sword and fire.” Pavel Globa, a famous Russian astrologist, thinks that the year will be easier for Russians, but Europe and the USA can expect another economic downturn.

Researchers of Nostradamus believe that his predictions for the year 2010 can be found in X quatrain of X century.
認為諾查丹瑪士的研究人員相信,他的2010年預測 可在X世紀的X四行詩找到。
The passage speaks about some mysterious Virgin, whose death is wanted, problems with trade, and appearance of some “heartless, blood-thirsty” leader who will rile with “sword and fire.” There is also a mentioning of “Satan’s arch of fury.” Interpreters think that it might be a ballistic missile.
Famous Nostradamus specialists think that his quatrains contain the following information for 2010:
- Possibly, World War III will start in November, and bacteriological and chemical weapons will be used.
- There will be conflict between Western Europe and the USA.
- There will be conflict between Great Britain and France.
- There is a possibility of armed military conflict on the Crimean peninsula.
- Europe will suffer an economic downturn.
- There will be a catastrophe in the Black Sea involving sulphuretted hydrogen.
- 可能地世三戰將在11月開始,和細菌及化學武器將被使用。
- 西歐和美國將有衝突。
- 英國和法國將有衝突。
- 在克里米亞半島上,可能有武裝軍事衝突。
- 歐洲將遭受經濟衰退。
- 黑海將有一場災難,涉及硫化氫。

Will the financial crisis end?
One of the famous astrologists predicted that economic problems in 2010 will grow. Many large companies will declare bankruptcy. This will cause hunger, religious and ethnical conflicts, and ecological problems. Global warming will greatly damage agriculture. An armed conflict is possible in Central Asia.
Russian “prophet” Pavel Globa believes that the year will be easier for Russians, while Europe and the USA can expect another economic downturn. This will happen because Russian officials will change their financial policy.
In September, predictions of a psychic named Ekaterina were spread on Russian websites. The predictions were as follows:

- Russia will suffer from a wave of earthquakes. One of them will destroy a huge building.
- Many cataclysms will take place in the US.
- On November 11, 2010, a war will be waged between two large countries. Only those who will be able to hide in the East or Caucuses will survive. 50 million Russians will die. There will be a short period of peace after the war.
- Four kings will clash in a battle, and another World War will commence.
- A large bird will fly over the USA, Satan himself will lay a bomb, and people will cry bloody tears.
- 俄羅斯將遭受一連串的地震,其中一次將會摧毀一座巨大的建築物。
- 許多大災難將在美國發生。
- 在2010年11月11日,一場戰爭將發動於兩個大國之間,只有那些能隱藏在東方或高加索才將生存。 五千萬俄羅斯人將會死亡,戰後會有短期的和平。
- 四位王帝會在仗中發生衝突,和另一場世戰亦將開始。
- 一隻大鳥將飛越美國,撒旦本人將下一炸彈和人們將哭血淚。

What do futurologists think about it? In the end of the 20th century, a group of specialists formulated the following scientifically-based predictions for 2010:

- Solar activity will drop.
- There will be a large flood in South-East Asia
- Birth-rate in Europe will decrease.
- Russia and Belarus will experience economic upturn.
- An era of matriarchate will commence to last for 23 years.
- A new union will be formed involving the US, Europe, and countries of the Pacific basin
- New political and economic theories will start to form, and they will drastically change the future.
- New robots-androids will appear and will be introduced to day-to-day life
- Scientific evidence of the existence of soul will be discovered.
- Hadron collider will crash and form a black hole of artificial origin.
Predictions of Lev Melnikov, Russian futurologist.
- A possibility of development of virtual human nature will be researched.
- Cloning will be banned.
- A cluster computer of the world scale will be introduced.
- Households will use robots to help with chores.
- The UFO mystery will be solved, and our planet will be visited by guests from other planets.

The majority of predictors are inclined to believe that although years of the Tiger can be tough, they bring about many changes that are necessary to move forward. Let’s hope this happens again.
Margarita Troitsina

Nostradamus Predictions: The Secret Code - Part 1/3
諾查丹瑪斯預言:秘密代碼 - 第1 / 3


Nostradamus Predictions: The Secret Code - Part 2/3
諾查丹瑪斯預言:秘密代碼 - 第2 / 3


Nostradamus Predictions: The Secret Code - Part 3/3
諾查丹瑪斯預言:秘密代碼 - 第3/ 3


Prophecies and Predictions of Nostradamus (Part 1)


Prophecies and Predictions of Nostradamus (Part 2)


Prophecies and Predictions of Nostradamus (Part 3)


Prophecies and Predictions of Nostradamus (Part 9)


藍鯨"死亡之歌"說法 警告世界2012大災難




