Texas Architects & Engineers call for a Real Investigation of the Destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 11:52
Texas Architects & Engineers call for a Real Investigation of the Destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11
March 16, 2010
Press Conference & Seminar covering the unreported evidence at the World Trade Center
1:00 – 9:00 PM Saturday, March 20th, 2010
Doubletree Hotel at 6505 IH-35 North 78753 Austin, Texas (IH-35 & 290)
Several Texas architects and engineers
This Press Conference is held exclusively to announce that over a thousand (1,114) architects and engineers have signed a petition at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org) calling for a new independent investigation into the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and to reveal the conclusions of architects and engineers who have studied the destruction of these buildings. All news reporters are welcome to attend and ask questions of our presenters from 1 to 9 PM. This event is sponsored by petition signing architect, Ronald F. Avery and his meetup group, and both “We are Change” meetup groups in San Antonio and Austin.
這新聞發布會舉行是獨家宣布,超過一千名(1,114)建築師和工程師已簽署了一份請願書 - 建築師和工程師 9/11真相(AE911Truth.org),呼龥一個新的獨立調查,在2001年9月11日毀壞的雙子塔和世界貿易中心的7號樓,並揭示建築師和工程師的結論,他們已研究過這些建築物的破壞。歡迎所有新聞記者參加,並從下午一時至九時問我們的主持人有關問題 。此事件是由簽署請願書的建築師朗奴艾弗里和他的meetup組,兩個在聖安東尼奧和奧斯汀的“我們是改變”的meetup團體所贊助。
Signers of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Petition will discuss the organization’s findings, based on examination of the forensic evidence, videos and eye witness testimony omitted from official reports, such as the free-fall collapse of the 47 story WTC building 7 into its own footprint and the discovery of advanced explosive nano-thermitic material found in the WTC dust samples. The focus of this press conference will be to detail the scientific questions and answers of these building and technical professionals whose findings determine that all three skyscrapers were destroyed by explosive controlled demolition rather than the impact and fires from 767 collisions. AE911Truth is also calling for a grand jury investigation of Shyam Sunder, Lead Investigator and John Gross, Co-Project Leader both of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).
Information: Matthew Medina – WeAreChange – San Antonio at SpaceBoyMatt@hotmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 469.767.4684
Main Topics: Alex Jones, International journalist and producer of PrisonPlanet.com & InfoWars.com, will address the importance of the truth about 911; Dr. Bob Bowman, retired Air Force Colonel and head of Star Wars under Reagan, will address the 911 Commission “Omission” Report; Ron Avery, architect, will describe the structural system of WTC Twin Towers; Dr. Al Hays, environmental engineer, will present the evidence of Nano-thermite found in all dust samples at the WTC; Derek Johnson, E.I.T. with foundry experience, will review the partial “free fall” collapse of the 47 story WTC Building 7 and the NIST report.
Mr. Avery will use drawings, models and videos to illustrate his reasons for signing the petition. Al Hays and Derek Johnson have also signed the petition
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