為什麼 Annunaki需要黃金
Why the Annunaki need goldTopic started on 23-3-2010 @ 03:21 AM
by Occy Anonymous
How y'all doing? I'm no expert at all on the Sumerian legends and the like so if I'm wrong on anything please feel free to point out.
Anyways the main thing I heard about the Annunaki was that humans were created to mine gold for them, to me this never really made sense, why would they need the gold for? But then today I read this story...
主要的東西我聽過關於 Annunaki是,人類是被創造去為他們開採金礦,對我這是從來不是真正理智的,為什麼他們需要黃金做乜?但今天我讀到這個故事...
For one tiny second the laws of physics are broken
The main point of this was this:
When the gold nuclei, traveling at 99.999% of the speed of light, smashedThis got me thinking, perhaps the Annunaki needed the gold for power? Maybe they could break it down to the particles and use the ridiculous power it generated to power their planet, I don't know fly their ships do whatever, the possibilities are endless and would certainly explain their need for it... Anyways just a theory but I'd love to hear some ideas on this from Niburu believers and scientists alike.
together, the plasma that resulted was so energetic that a tiny cube of it with
sides measuring about a quarter of the width of a human hair would contain
enough energy to power the entire United States for a year.
當黄金原子核,以99.999%的光速旅行, 被粉碎在一起,產生的等離子是如此充滿活力,它的一個小立方體,邊量度約是四分之一人類頭髮的寬度,將包含足夠的能源,去給整個美國一年的電力。
這使我思考,也許 Annunaki需要黃金作力量?可能他們可以分解它至粒子,和使用它產生的難以置信的力量,來供電給他們的星球,我不知道航行他們的飛船無論做什麼,那可能性是無窮盡和肯定解釋到他們需要它...無論如何只是一個理論,但我會喜歡聽到一些關於這的想法,從 Niburu信徒和相似的科學家。
But in the end even if it's nothing, the story is still cool, seriously something so small generating so much power could either kill us all or save us all.
1 則留言:
唔知同上個月單假金條有無關係呢?d 金唔見晒,可能拿去整超級武器