4 more US banks face closure
Sat, 06 Mar 2010 06:29:08 GMT

Four more banks have been shut down across the United States, bringing the number of bank failures in the country to 26 since January.
再多四間橫跨美國的銀行已被關閉,帶該國銀行自1月以來的倒閉數量上至 26間。
The banks, with over one billion dollars in assets, were closed by US bank regulators in the states of Florida, Illinois, Maryland and Utah.
擁有超過 10億美元資產的銀行,被美國銀行監管機構關閉,在佛羅里達州,伊利諾伊州,馬里蘭州和猶他州。
The closures showed that deteriorating loans are continuing to take a toll on financial institutions.
The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has warned that the pace of bank failures is likely to pick up in coming months.
FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair predicts bank failures to remain high as long as the banking industry seeks to recognize loan losses and clean up their balance sheets.
Hoping to curb this trend, the US president has presented a $30 billion plan to give money to community banks if they lend more to small businesses.
At least 166 banks have been forced to close down in the US since the financial crisis first hit last year.
Regulators closed 140 banks in 2009, compared to 25 in 2008 and only 3 in 2007.