


差不多四分之一的共和黨人認為奧巴馬'可能是敵基督' 正當14個州控告醫療改革
Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Anti-Christ' as 14 states sue over healthcare reforms
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 4:53 PM on 24th March 2010

President Barack Obama has stirred up emotions in the U.S. with his planned overhaul of the country's $2.5trillion healthcare system.
奧巴馬總統已經攪起在美國的情緒,以他的全國 $ 2.5兆億醫療制度大修計劃。
So much so that a poll taken at the height of the debate found that almost a quarter of Republicans think he 'may be the Antichrist'.
Another 38 per cent of Republicans agreed Obama was 'doing many of the things that Hitler did'. 另外38%的共和黨人同意,奧巴馬在'做許多希特拉做過的事情'。

Just another boys' club: Barack Obama, centre on the phone, is surrounded by male aides at the White House as they plot healthcare reform this week in a new image released today. The President has been compared to the Anti-Christ

More than half of the Republicans quizzed by Harris Poll, 57 per cent, believed the president was secretly Muslim, something he has consistently denied.
And 67 per cent of Republicans who responded believed Obama was a socialist, despite his central leanings.
The startling results came as lawyers representing 14 U.S. states filed lawsuits yesterday challenging an overhaul of the country's $2.5trillion healthcare system, minutes after President Barack Obama signed the landmark legislation.
One joint lawsuit by a dozen Republican attorneys general and a Democrat claims the sweeping reforms violate state-government rights in the U.S. Constitution and will force massive new spending on hard-pressed state governments.

Virginia went to court separately, while Missouri Republican Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder said he would like to join the suit.
The joint suit, led by Florida, was filed with a federal court in Pensacola, according to the office of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

In addition to McCollum, the Republican attorneys general from Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington joined the suit.
The lawsuit says the law - which expands government health plans for the poor, imposes new taxes on the wealthy and requires insurers to cover people with pre-existing medical conditions - violates the Constitution's commerce clause by requiring nearly all Americans to buy health insurance.
'A big f****** deal': Mr Biden (second left) gaffed as the president signed the historic healthcare reform
'一項大的f ******交易':拜登先生(左二)义魚當總統簽署歷史性的醫療改革時

Mr McCollum said: 'It forces people to do something - in the sense of buying a healthcare policy or paying a penalty, a tax or a fine - that simply the Constitution does not allow Congress to do.'
Mr McCollum, who is seeking the Republican nomination to run for Florida governor, said the healthcare reforms would add $1.6billion to Florida's spending on the Medicaid health program for the poor.
The Justice Department, which is responsible for defending U.S. law in court, pledged to vigorously fight any challenges to the new healthcare law.
'We are confident that this statute is constitutional and we will prevail,' said Justice spokesman Charles Miller.
The White House agreed the suits would fail.
'There have been hearings about the constitutionality of the law, and I think there's pretty much widespread agreement that it is constitutional,' Nancy-Ann DeParle, director of the White House Office of Health Reform, said.
'I think we have governors who might be aiming for higher office who are starting to just send a message.'
The suits were filed just moments after Mr Obama signed the healthcare reforms into law.
But on the most historic occasion of his presidency so far, vice-president Joe Biden managed to put his foot in it.

Gaffe-prone Mr Biden inadvertently broadcast the F-word to America after he introduced the President to sign his much vaunted health reform bill into law yesterday.
After hugging Mr Obama at a a ceremony in the White House, Mr Biden leaned in and whispered in the President's ear: 'This is a big f****** deal.'
The remark was caught on microphones recording the event that was shown live across the country. By last night, the clip was being replayed all over the internet.

White House aides seemed to be unembarrassed, with press secretary Robert Gibbs later tweeting: 'Yes, Mr Vice-President, you're right.'



中新社華盛頓3月23日電 (記者 吳慶才)在美國總統奧巴馬23日簽署醫改法案僅僅七分鐘之后,以共和黨人為主的美國十三個州的檢察長即聯手提起訴訟,以“侵犯州權”等為由控告該醫改法案違反憲法。








奧巴馬簽醫改法案 拜登粗口贈興 「他X的了不起大事」遭收音
(明報)2010年3月25日 星期四 05:10
【明報專訊】美國 民主黨 奮鬥一整年的醫保改革周二完成立法,副總統拜登在白宮舉行的法案簽署儀式上介紹總統奧巴馬 上台時,未意識到咪高峰還開著,興奮地用粗口與奧巴馬交談,事件令白宮尷尬。

拜登(Joseph Biden)在介紹奧巴馬上台後,與奧巴馬擁抱。可能是興奮過度,他一時未注意到咪高峰還開著,忘情地與奧巴馬「咬耳仔」說:「這真是他X的了不起大事」(This is a big f…… deal)。

美國多個電視媒體之後不斷重播這一片段。白宮尷尬之餘,乾脆坦然面對。白宮發言人吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)在他的Twitter上留言說:「對幾千萬終於有了醫保的民眾而言,這真是偉大時刻……是的,副總統先生,您是對的。」

腦筋動得快的生意人更立即在網上兜售印有拜登這句話的T恤,每件叫價23.5美元 (約183港元)。



