


How did Rothschild take-over?

Topic started on 22-3-2010 @ 06:41 PM by Equinox99

I was reading much information about the house of Rothschild. I came to the conclusion that they are the most powerful family on Earth. They gave way for families such as the Rockefeller and Warburg. They have and estimated $500,000,000,000,000(trillion) accumulated wealth; never been audited. How does someone build up that amount of wealth and power?
我看了很多有關羅羅富齊家族的資料,我得出的結論是,他們是地球上最強大的家族,他們讓路給家族如洛克菲勒和華寶。他們擁有和估計 500,000,000,000,000(兆億)積累的財富;從未被審計,人如何可建立那一數額的財富和權力?
Their history started with Mayer Amschel and his business dealing with coins and bills. The name was later changed because there was a red shield that was hung in front of their house.
Mayer started teaching his 5 sons about the banking system in Europe. His son, Nathan, left at the age of 21 to set-up first in Manchester, then in the city of London. He dealt a lot with banking and dealing with foreign loans.
His best business is when the British government needed him and his brothers to help fund the British against Napoleon.
James, the youngest, was told to set-up a bank in Paris; Salomon set-up a bank in Vienna; and Carle set-up in Naples.
Knowing Britain was surely to win, Nathan set-up 2 messengers on each side of the Napoleon vs Britain war. When Britain emerged the winner, with a panicked look on Nathan's face, he began to sell all his shares. Everyone in Britain started to panick, they sold all their shares. Nathan bought up about half the stock market due to the cheap prices of each share. Once word had gotten back about Napoleons loss, people started buying stocks again.
了解到英國肯定是要贏,彌敦設 2名信差在拿破崙對英國的戰爭的每一边。當英國出現成為贏家,彌敦臉上掛上一恐慌樣,他開始傾售他的所有股票;每個在英國的人都開始恐慌,他們出售全部股票。彌敦卻買起大約半個股市,由於每股價格低廉。一旦說話返回是關於拿破崙戰敗,人們又再次開始買入股票。
Nathan had died by 1836, leaving behind the most advanced family banking system of the ages. He left behind the wealthiest dynasty that will ever live.
The main premise of their business was to loan governments money, adding interest rates. They slowly started building more businesses such as railways, engineering, dealing with gold, and precious metals. By 1840, N M Rothschild & Sons became one of the Bank of England's bullion brokers. They were right on the 19th century gold rush. Setting up a mine in Spain, as well as agencies in California and Australia.

Source 來源http://www.rothschild.info/history/default.asp?doc=articles/chistory1-4

They have a rich history. There is much more about their family and their businesses on that web-site. I just gave you a brief discription to what this family has.
They aren't put as a the wealthiest people because they have never been audited. They help start the FED when Woodrow Wilson was president. They have banks in America(First bank of America), England, France, and a couple more.
A few great videos:
The Rothschilds Exposed 1/3


The Rothschilds Exposed 2/3


The Rothschilds Exposed 3/3


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