Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 11:15:05 GMT

Western security sources believe Saudi Arabia will readily let Israel use the country's airspace to strike neighboring Iran if a war breaks out between the archenemies.
Prominent German news magazine SPIEGEL claimed in a Tuesday article that there exists a strong unity between Israel and Persian Gulf's Arab states against Iran.
The periodical noted that Riyadh has gone so far with the idea as to speak openly to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the potential need for a military option against the Islamic Republic.
SPIEGEl also cited Western intelligence agencies who believe that the Saudis would even open up their air space to Israeli jets for an attack on Iran.
This is while the United States has been reported intent on not allowing Israeli warplanes to fly over Iraq, it added.
The report also referred to an Arab League ministerial summit where they unanimously called on the Palestinians to start a new round of US-sponsored "proximity talks" with Israel.
Observers reiterate that SPIEGEl is greatly influenced by the Israeli regime and has previously published reports that were meant to serve as an Israeli propaganda campaign ore psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.