


Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency sweeping the world

Friday, March 12, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency sweeping across our modern world, and it's an epidemic of such depth and seriousness that it makes the H1N1 swine flu epidemic look like a case of the sniffles by comparison. Vitamin D deficiency is not only alarmingly widespread, it's also a root cause of many other serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease.
(NaturalNews)一種維生素 D缺乏的流行席捲我們的現代世界,這一個流行的深度和嚴重性,使H1N1豬流感疫情看起來,作出比較像一宗流淌著詩情畫意的案件。維生素 D缺乏不僅是驚人地普遍,它亦是一個很多其它嚴重疾病的根源,如癌症、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆症和心臟病。
A new study published in the March, 2010 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that a jaw-dropping 59 percent of the population is vitamin D deficient. In addition, nearly 25 percent of the study subjects were found to have extremely low levels of vitamin D.
一項新的研究在2010年3月的臨床內分泌學和代謝期刋發表,發現令人瞠目結舌的59%人口缺乏維生素 D。此外,近25%的研究對象,被發現具有極低水平的維生素 D。
Lead author of the study, Dr. Richard Kremer at the McGill University Health Center, said "Abnormal levels of vitamin D are associated with a whole spectrum of diseases, including cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes, as well as cardiovascular and autoimmune disorders."
領導這一研究的麥吉爾大學健康中心理查德克雷默博士說:“不正常的維生素 D水平聯繫一整個疾病頻譜,包括癌症、骨質疏鬆症、糖尿病,以及心血管疾病和自身免疫性疾病。”
This new study also documents a clear link between vitamin D deficiency and stored body fat. This supports a theory I've espoused here on NaturalNews for many years: That sunshine actually promote body fat loss. Vitamin D may be the hormonal mechanism by which this fat loss phenomenon operates.
這新研究亦提供文件證明一清晰的關連在維生素 D缺乏和儲存脂肪;這支持那理論我多年來一直在這 NaturalNews所擁護的:陽光事實上促進體內脂肪的損耗,維他命D可能是荷爾蒙的機制,有它這種脂肪虧損現象才運作。
The research findings on vitamin D, by the way, get even better...

Activator for the immune system
Recent research carried out at the University of Copenhagen has revealed that vitamin D activates the immune system by "arming" T cells to fight off infections.

This new research, led by Professor Carsten Geisler from the Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen, found that without vitamin D, the immune system's T cells remain dormant, offering little or no protection against invading microorganisms and viruses. But with vitamin D in the bloodstream, T cells become "armed" and begin seeking out invaders that are then destroyed and carried out of the body.

Vitamin D, in other words, acts a bit like the ignition key to your car: The car won't run unless you turn the key and ignite the engine. Likewise, your immune system won't function unless it is biochemically activated with vitamin D. If you're facing the winter flu season in a state of vitamin D deficiency, your immune system is essentially defenseless against seasonal flu. That's why all the people who get sick are the ones who live indoors, work indoors and exist in a chronic state of vitamin D deficiency.

That's also why virtually all the people who died from H1N1 were chronically deficient in vitamin D. They had virtually no immune system protection at all and were thus easy targets for the swine flu.

These findings about vitamin D "arming" the immune system were published in Nature Immunology. Commenting on the findings, the researchers said, "Scientists have known for a long time that vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and the vitamin has also been implicated in diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis, but what we didn't realize is how crucial vitamin D is for actually activating the immune system -- which we know now." (UK Telegraph, source below).

It seems the CDC and WHO remain utterly ignorant about this research or they would have been recommending vitamin D to fight the recent H1N1 pandemic rather than vaccine shots. Vitamin D would have been a far more effective (and less costly) defense against the pandemic than vaccine shots, especially given that even vaccines don't work unless there is an immune response, and that immune response requires the presence of vitamin D!

And while vaccine shots have undesirable side effects such as causing severe neurological damage in a small number of vaccine recipients, vitamin D's only significant "side effect" is that it prevents 77% of all cancers, too. (http://www.naturalnews.com/021892.html)

The common denominator for disease

What's becoming increasingly clear from all the new research is that vitamin D deficiency may be the common denominator behind our most devastating modern degenerative diseases. Kidney failure patients are almost universally deficient in vitamin D and diabetes patients are usually in the same category. People suffering from cancer almost always demonstrate severe vitamin D deficiency, as do people with osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis.

In fact, vitamin D deficiency may be the root cause behind so many degenerative diseases that correcting this deficiency across the population could very well devastate the for-profit "sick care industry" that dominates western medicine today.

Teach the population about vitamin D, in other words, and the cancer industry would suffer devastating losses in profits (vitamin D prevents 4 out of 5 of all cancers).

This is perhaps why so many of the businesses and non-profits that depend on cancer (and other diseases) for their authority and power are actively fighting against vitamin D awareness. The National Cancer Institute, for example, which is one of the wealthiest non-profits in the world, actively runs full-page ads that attempt to scare people away from sunlight, thereby causing them to remain in a state of vitamin D deficiency.

This state of deficiency coincidentally serves the power interests of the NCI by making sure that people remain riddled with cancer even though a free cure (sunshine) is readily available.

The FDA, similarly, doesn't want people to learn the truth about vitamin D because informed consumers would inevitably take more vitamin D supplements and thereby prevent all sorts of diseases that the pharmaceutical industry is counting on for its monopoly profits. Every patient that takes vitamin D is one less patient paying money for cancer drugs, diabetes drugs or heart disease drugs.

Other cancer industry non-profits, likewise, don't want people to learn the truth about vitamin D. They'd rather just keep selling ridiculous pink-ribbon consumer products that claim to raise money for some highly fictitious "search for the cure" -- a search that was obsolete even before it began because sunshine has been curing and preventing cancer for as long as human beings have walked the planet. Our ancestors didn't have to "run for the cure" or "walk for the cure" through some silly fundraising fiction; they merely walked in the sun and they were cured of cancer by the mere act of being exposed to sunlight. Walking outside is, all by itself, the "cure" for cancer that the industry claims to need billions more dollars to try to find through additional research.

They want you to remain ignorant!

The inescapable truth of the matter is that modern medicine wants people to remain ignorant about the healing effects of vitamin D. The financial survival of the medical industry absolutely depends on it, so the most influential medical organizations systematically downplay the importance of this vitamin while outright refusing to recommend it to patients.

The NCI doesn't recommend vitamin D, nor does Komen for the Cure. The AHA, AMA, ADA and FDA all refuse to recommend vitamin D, all while strongly promoting synthetic, patented high-profit medications that cure nothing.

There is, in essence, a conspiracy of silence about vitamin D among the sick-care industries that depend on disease to bring them business. And there always will be, of course, because companies are in business to make money, and if you're in business to make money from disease, you generally don't go telling people how to heal themselves for free. From a purely profit-minded perspective, teaching people about vitamin D makes absolutely no business sense to the sick care industry. It's profits over people (as usual).

你不能保持維他命 D在低水平
You can't keep Vitamin D down
But you can't keep hiding the truth about vitamin D forever: The science is absolutely compelling. It's irrefutable, actually. These nine things about vitamin D are inarguably true:
但你總不能永遠隱瞞維生素 D的真相:其實這是無可辯駁,科學是絕對引人注目的。這 9項有關維生素 D的事情是無可爭論的:
#1) The vast majority of the western population is deficient in vitamin D.
大多數的西方人口是缺乏維生素 D
#2) Vitamin D deficiencies promote cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney disease, depression, obesity and heart disease, among other health problems.
維生素 D缺乏促進癌症、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆症、腎臟疾病、抑鬱症、肥胖症、心臟病和其它健康問題。
#3) Vitamin D deficiencies can be corrected with vitamin D supplementation or through sensible sunlight exposure.
維生素 D不足能以維生素 D的補充,或通過理性的陽光照射被糾正。
#4) Sunscreen products block the production of vitamin D in the skin, causing further vitamin D deficiencies across the population of consumers who use such products.
防曬用品阻擋維生素 D在皮膚的生產,造成進一步的維生素 D缺乏,在使用這種產品的消費者群中
#5) Correcting widespread vitamin D deficiencies would greatly reduce degenerative disease across the population, thereby saving nations literally trillions of dollars in collective sick-care costs over the next decade.
糾正普遍的維生素 D缺乏,可大大減少在人口中的退化性的疾病,從而在未來 10年實在地節省國家上兆億美元的集體生病醫療成本。
#6) Vitamin D supplements are extremely affordable. Preventing disease through vitamin D supplementation is a low-cost investment in health that pays off a hundred fold (or more) through health care cost savings.
維生素 D補充劑是非常負擔得來的,通過維生素 D補充防止疾病是一種低成本健康投資,透過醫療保健成本回報 100倍(或更多)。
#7) Vitamin D is extremely safe. There are virtually no negative side effects from deficient people taking vitamin D supplements, even at seemingly high doses such as 4000 - 8000 IU per day (more than ten times the current U.S. RDA).
維生素 D是非常安全的,服用維生素 D補充劑的人實際上沒有副作用,甚至看來在高劑量如4000 - 8000 IU每天(目前美國 RDA的10倍以上)。
#8) Vitamin D deficiency is caused, in large part, by modern society's indoor lifestyle. People live, work and play indoors under artificial light. This causes severe deficiencies in exposure to natural light (sunlight) through which vitamin D is usually generated.
維生素 D缺乏很大程度上是由現代社會的室內生活方式所致,人們在室內以人工照明下生活、工作和娛樂。這會導致暴露在自然光(日光)的嚴重缺乏,通過它維生素 D通常產生。
#9) Vitamin D dramatically reduces susceptibility to infectious disease such as seasonal flu and H1N1. It "activates" the immune system and allows it to function more aggressively in defending against viral invasions.
維生素 D戲劇性地減少容易感染疾病,如季節性流感和H1N1病毒。它“激活”免疫系統和使它能更積極地發揮作用以抵抗病毒入侵。

Better than a vaccine, safer than a drug...
In effect, Vitamin D is a better vaccine than vaccines. It's a better cancer drug than cancer drugs. It's a better osteoporosis drug than osteoporosis drugs. Vitamin D is a better treatment for diabetes than diabetes drugs.

Again and again, vitamin D turns out to be safer, more effective and far more affordable than expensive monopoly-priced medications. Plus, it's obviously innately compatible with the human body since the human body actually manufactures vitamin D when given the opportunity (and exposure to sunlight).

Furthermore, unlike pharmaceuticals, vitamin D is safe for the environment. Flushing excess vitamin D down the drain doesn't contaminate the fish like pharmaceuticals do (http://www.naturalnews.com/025933_p).

With all these things being true about vitamin D, it all makes you wonder: Why isn't health care reform even talking about this nutrient? If you really want to reform the health of a nation, you have to start by correcting the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency across the population.

When it comes to keeping people healthy, all the drugs in the world can't accomplish what vitamin D can accomplish... simply, affordably and safely.

You can get it for free. No prescription required. No visit to the doctor. You don't even need to buy supplements to get this. Just walk outside, under the sun, and initiate your own healing.

That very idea -- that patients can cure their own cancers by taking a walk in nature -- is the most fearful thing in the world to the cancer and vaccine industries. Big Pharma is horrified at the idea of people becoming nutritionally literate and realizing that vitamin D, all by itself, eliminates the need for potentially hundreds of different medications and vaccines. It activates healing, it defends the body against disease, and it's the single greatest threat to the profitability of the sick-care industry that dominates medicine today.

If modern medicine could ban Vitamin D, they would do so in an instant. They may yet pull that off, in fact, through Sen. McCain's attempts to destroy nutritional supplements (http://www.naturalnews.com/028257_S...).

Sources for this story include:




