INCOMING: This morning, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded a halo CME emerging from the vicinity of sunspot 1054: movie. The cloud appears to be heading toward Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on or about March 17th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
來緊:今天上午,太陽與日光層觀測站錄得,一個CME光暈從太陽黑子 1054的附近出現:電影( movie. )。那雲似乎走向地球和當它在/約3月17日到達時,可能會引發地磁暴,高緯度地區的觀天者應該要警惕極光。
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are gigantic bubbles of electrified gas that billow away from the Sun. They can carry as much as 10 billion tons of solar material and trigger spectacular geomagnetic storms if they hit Earth's magnetosphere. CMEs, which usually travel at speeds between 500 and 1500 km/s, take 2 or 3 days to cross the 150 million km divide separating the Sun and Earth.
CMEs aimed at Earth are called "halo events" because of the way they look in coronagraph images. As the expanding cloud of an Earth-directed CME looms larger and larger it appears to envelop the Sun, forming a halo around our star. This animation shows a "full halo" coronal mass ejection recorded by SOHO coronagraphs on July 14, 2000. The many speckles in the latter half of the movie are energetic particles from a related solar flare bombarding SOHO's electronic detectors.