A Brave New World Order (Trailer)
From: LuxorMedia
A Brave New World Order is a new film currently in production by Luxor Media. Many say is an elaborate, highly secretive scheme to abolish all government and religion to install a New World Order under which the people of the world will be under its utter control through a one world government and religion. While others say this is a distortion of the truth about a coming era of true social, political, and spiritual freedom. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Are there 2 opposing parts? We will be taking a look at as many perspectives as possible.
一個勇敢的新世界秩序是一部新的電影,目前在由Luxor Media生產。許多人說它是一個精心而高度保密的計劃,去廢除所有政府和宗教並安裝一個新世界秩序,在它之下透過世界一政府和一宗教,世人將在其完全控制之下。儘管其他人說這是一種真相的歪曲,關於真正的社會、政治和精神自由的一個即將到來的時代。這究竟是好事還是壞事?有正反兩方?我們將以盡可能多的觀點看看。
The film is currently in production, and will be available in the Spring of 2010 in full 720p High-Definition.
這部影片目前正在生產中,將於 2010年春季提供,全720p的高清晰度。