US to deliver laser-guided bomb kits to Pakistan
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 06:08:29 GMT

美軍準備裝載 500磅的激光制導炸彈
The US Air Force plans to deliver 1,000 sophisticated laser-guided bomb kits to Pakistan in an effort to encourage the country to take a tougher stand against the pro-Taliban militants.
Lt. Col. Jeffry Glenn, an Air Force spokesman, said Tuesday that the US also plans to provide Pakistan with 18 new F-16 fighter jets by next June, the Associated Press reported.
空軍發言人杰弗裡格倫中校週二表示,美國亦計劃在明年6月向巴基斯坦提供18架新型F - 16戰鬥機,美聯社報導。
US officials claim that this month's shipment of the kits would enable Islamabad to use sophisticated laser technology to guide the bombs to specific targets.
The Pakistani air force has been playing a crucial role in the major military offensive against the militants on the Afghan border.
The US military contribution underscores Washington's interest in gaining further influence in the only nuclear-armed Muslim nation in the world under the pretext of fighting terrorism and militancy in the region.
Observers in the region, however, argue that since the US military engagement began in Afghanistan in 2001, terrorism and militancy in the region have increased drastically, leading to thousands of civilian casualties.