


Drug-resistant tuberculosis now at record levels
18 MARCH 2010

WASHINGTON DC -- In some areas of the world, one in four people with tuberculosis (TB) becomes ill with a form of the disease that can no longer be treated with standard drugs regimens, a World Health Organization (WHO) report says.
華盛頓首都 - 在世界一些區域,有四分之一肺結核(TB)病人的病,以一患病的形式再也不能用標準藥物治療方案治療,一份世界衛生組織(WHO)報告說。
For example, 28% of all people newly diagnosed with TB in one region of north western Russia had the multidrug-resistant form of the disease (MDR-TB) in 2008. This is the highest level ever reported to WHO. Previously, the highest recorded level was 22% in Baku City, Azerbaijan, in 2007.
例如,所有人的28%新確診為肺結核病的,在俄羅斯西北部的一個地區,於 2008年有抗多藥性的疾病型式(抗多藥結核病MDR-TB)。這是向世衛報告曾有的最高水平,在此之前,最高紀錄水平為 2007年在阿塞拜疆巴庫市的 22%。
In the new WHO's Multidrug and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: 2010 Global Report on Surveillance and Response, it is estimated that 440 000 people had MDR-TB worldwide in 2008 and that a third of them died. In sheer numbers, Asia bears the brunt of the epidemic. Almost 50% of MDR-TB cases worldwide are estimated to occur in China and India. In Africa, estimates show 69 000 cases emerged, the vast majority of which went undiagnosed.
在新的世衛的多藥和廣泛耐藥結核病:2010年全球監測和反應報告中,在2008年估計全球有44萬人患有耐多藥結核病(MDR-TB),和其中三分之一的人死亡。純數字看,亞洲在疫情首當其衝,全世界將近 50%的耐多藥結核病例,估計發生在中國和印度;在非洲,估計顯示出現69 ,000宗個案,大數目它們的大部份是尚未診斷的。

Encouraging signs
Tuberculosis programmes face tremendous challenges in reducing MDR-TB rates. But there are encouraging signs that even in the presence of severe epidemics, governments and partners can turn around MDR-TB by strengthening efforts to control the disease and implementing WHO recommendations.

Two regions in the Russian Federation, Orel and Tomsk, have achieved a remarkable decline in MDR-TB in about five years. These regions join two countries, Estonia and Latvia, which have reversed rising high rates of MDR-TB, ultimately achieving a decline. The United States of America and China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), have achieved sustained successes in controlling MDR-TB.

Slow progress
Progress remains slow in most other countries. Worldwide, of those patients receiving treatment, 60% were reported as cured. However, only an estimated 7% of all MDR-TB patients are diagnosed. This points to the urgent need for improvements in laboratory facilities, access to rapid diagnosis and treatment with more effective drugs and regimens shorter than the current two years.

WHO is engaged in a five year project to strengthen TB laboratories with rapid tests in nearly 30 countries. This will ensure more people benefit early from life-saving treatments. It is also working closely with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the international community on increasing access to treatment.

