

'9 / 11陰謀論者'在五角大樓槍戰被保安人員槍殺

'9 / 11陰謀論者'在五角大樓槍戰被保安人員槍殺
'9/11 conspiracy theorist' gunned down by security guards in Pentagon shoot-out

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 5:44 PM on 05th March 2010

John Patrick Bedell, 36, was gunned down after he opened fire on security guards at an entrance to the Pentagon

An armed man has been shot dead after opening fire on security guards at an entrance to the Pentagon.
The gunman, identified as John Patrick Bedell, 36, died in hospital after the guards at the U.S. Defence Department headquarters returned fire.
He is said to have harboured resentment against the military and posted online comments expressing doubts about the perpetrators of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York.
Two security guards were also injured in the firefight, but their wounds are not said to be life-threatening.
Bedell, from California, is said to have walked up to the entrance after getting of a subway train in Arlington, Virginia, before pulling out a handgun and shooting at security guards.
In an internet posting, a user going by the name of JPatrickBedell wrote that he was 'determined to see that justice is served' over the death of Marine Colonel James Sabow, who was found dead in the back yard of his California home in 1991.
Paramedics load the wounded gunman into the back of an ambulance. He died later in hospital
Lock down: John Patrick Bedell, 36, died in hospital after he opened fire on security guards at the Pentagon

That death was ruled a suicide, but the case has been the subject of several theories of a cover-up.
The internet posting said the Sabow case was 'a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions'.
It also attacked the U.S. government's enforcement of marijuana laws and included a link to the author's 2006 court case in Orange County for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer.
Court records show the date of birth on the case mentioned by JPatrickBedell matches that of the man killed in the shooting.
法院記錄顯示個案的出生日期, 被JPatrickBedell提及,是與槍擊事件中喪生的男子匹配。
All entrances to the Pentagon were closed after the shooting at around 6.40pm last night. They were later reopened, but the one near the Metro station remains shut.
The two security guards are being treated in hospital for 'grazing' wounds, according to chief of Pentagon police Richard Keevill.
Security: Bedell is said to have posted online comments casting doubts over the perpetrators of the September 11 terror attacks
Terror: Security has been improved at the Pentagon after the 2001 attack which saw 184 people killed after American Airlines flight 77 was flown into the building
恐怖:五角大樓的安全已被改善,在 2001年的攻擊事件後,美國航空公司77號航班飛入那建築物造成184人被害

Mr Keevill said the gunman gave no clue to guards about what he was going to do and had not tried to get into the building.
He said: 'There was no distress. When he reached into his pocket, they assumed he was going to get a pass and he came up with a gun.
'He wasn't pretending to be anyone. He was wearing a coat and walked up and just started shooting.'
He added: 'We have layers of security and it worked. He never got inside the building to hurt anyone.'
American Airlines flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon during the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.
A total of 184 people were killed on board the flight and in the building after the plane crashed.


槍手質疑軍方隱瞞 911真相
比德爾到五角大樓行兇,動機未明,但從他在網誌的點滴留言,不難發現他對軍方心存不滿,更質疑當局隱瞞 911襲擊的真相。

比德爾生於加州霍利斯特( Hollister)一個中產家庭,父親是一名理財規劃師,母親是當地一間學院的醫生,而他斷斷續續跟父母居住。他曾在聖何塞州立大學就讀電機工程系,而教過他的帕倫特教授( David Parent)說:「他性格溫和,無法想像他會幹出這種事。」
不過,他化名 JPatrickBedell在網誌撰文,顯出他對軍方和政府心存怨恨。 1991年,海軍陸戰隊上校薩博( James Sabow)陳屍在比德爾寓所後園,雖然當局說薩博自殺,但比德爾卻覺得事件背後有陰謀,軍方企圖隱瞞一些真相,「我要尋找公義和真相,此案將是揭開隱藏在 911襲擊背後真相的第一步」。
他又在網誌批評政府管制大麻。他在 2006年涉嫌於加州奧蘭治縣寓所露台種植 16株大麻,遭警察上門拘捕,其間更作出拒捕行動。



簡訊:美國五角大樓附近發生槍擊 2名國防部官員被擊中

五角大樓槍手相信 美國政府籌劃9/11
