Gordon Brown unleashes four-letter rant at Baroness Ashton for 'letting Britain down'
By Gerri Peev
Last updated at 9:32 AM on 15th March 2010
Gordon Brown unleashed a four-letter tirade against EU Foreign Minister Baroness Ashton over her lacklustre performance in Brussels.
The Prime Minister’s attack reportedly included the charge that she was ‘letting Britain down’.
His aggressive tone - which sources said left Baroness Ashton, 53, visibly shaken, undermines Mr Brown’s attempts to throw off accusations that he is a bully.
他侵略性的語調 - 這方面消息人士說使53歲的阿什頓女男爵明顯顫動,逐漸損害布朗的試圖,擺脫指責他是一個恃強凌弱者。

Shaken: Baroness Ashton, left, was at the receiving end of a four-letter tirade from Gordon Brown over her lacklustre performance in Brussels
But it also highlights widespread frustrations over Baroness Ashton’s abilities at the helm of Europe.
Her salary package of £328,000 is more than U.S. President Barack Obama earns and dwarfs the wages of Mr Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Mr Brown installed her in the post last year, much to the annoyance of Business Secretary Lord Mandelson who coveted the job.
However she faced criticism from domestic and foreign quarters for being ‘mediocre’ and anonymous.
Bureaucrats in Brussels complained that she did not answer phone calls after 8pm and never worked weekends - a charge she has denied.
在布魯塞爾的官僚抱怨,她晚上8點後不接聽電話,和永不在週末工作 - 一項指控她已經否認。
Mr Brown’s own workaholic style means he often burns the midnight oil and makes phone calls to aides before the crack of dawn.
Baroness Ashton's short term has been plagued by a series of contentious decision, leaving some to question her judgment. She upset her colleagues in Europe when she did not fly to Haiti immediately after the earthquake that claimed 250,000 lives.
She initially dismissed the idea of the trip as ‘disaster tourism’ but U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew there within days of disaster striking.
French officials and politicians are aghast at her poor French.
Her biggest blunder to date has been missing a joint EU and NATO security summit in Majorca - despite also being the head of security for Europe.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband - who other European leaders lobbied to apply for the role - recently had to write to her, to tell her how to do her job.
He warned her that she risked losing a power struggle over her 5000-strong civil service entourage.
Baroness Ashton’s lucrative contract expires in 2014 but few think she can cling on that long.
The peer - who has never been elected to any political post - has hit back at her critics and promised to be more assertive.
Tony Blair recruited the then unknown Baroness Ashton in 1999. Labour colleagues were surprised when she was elevated to Leader of the Lords in 2007 but her most recent promotion as one of Europe’s most powerful politicians has sparked disbelief.
She is married to YouGov pollster Peter Kellner and has five children.
Mr Brown has been besieged with accusations that he is a ‘bully’ after reports that he shouted at staff and shoved one aide out of the way.
But the claims have done little to hit Labour’s poll ratings, which show there is still enough support for the party to stop the Tories winning an outright majority.
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