


Children without MMR jabs should be banned from school, claims public health official
By Sophie Borland
Last updated at 4:25 PM on 2nd November 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Children receive the triple vaccine at around 13 months old but in some parts of the country 41 per cent have not received MMR
兒童在 13個月大接受三重疫苗,但在這國家某些地區 41%沒有接受MMR

Children who haven't had the MMR jab should be banned from schools, according to a leading doctor.
Dr Sohail Bhatti, a director of one of the largest health trusts in Britain, said the draconian measure was the only way to ensure higher uptake of the vaccine.
Since the MMR scare more than 12 years ago the number of children receiving the combined jab for measles, mumps and rubella has fallen by a third in some parts of the country.
自從超過12年前的 MMR恐慌, 兒童接受麻疹、腮腺炎和風疹混合刺戳的數量在國家的一些地區已經下降了三分之一。
At the same time cases of measles and mumps, which are particularly infectious, have increased ten fold.
Dr Bhatti, director of public health at East Lancashire Primary Care Trust, said parents had a "responsibility" to ensure their children were immunised.
He said that many still feared potential side effects, despite the fact that Dr Andrew Wakefield's study which first prompted the scare had since been discredited.
Dr Bhatti, a GP who has advised several PCTs on public health initiatives, is now trying to negotiate school admission changes with Lancashire County Council to include the jab amongst the criteria.
巴蒂博士,一位 GP他對公眾健康倡議建議幾個PCTs,目前正試圖與蘭開夏郡議會進行談判,改變學校錄取以包括在準則中有刺戳。
He said: 'If you like it's a radical idea, but I feel an appropriate suggestion for East Lancashire is that we change nurseries and schools admission policies so parents realise they have a due diligence responsibility for not infecting their children and their friends' children.
'It's what happens in France. There, you can't be admitted to school unless you show your vaccination certificate.

We have a responsibility to ensure children are immunised.

'There has been a huge problem nationally with the take up of the jab since the Wakefield scare.

'Often its the well-educated parents who are not getting their children vaccinated.

'They're worried about the side effects - which are extremely rare - and have forgotten how serious the diseases are.

'At worse rubella and measles can cause brain damage.

'I'm not saying vaccination should be obligatory. But at the very least parents should have a duty to inform schools, nurseries and doctors if they have decided not to have it.'

Fears over the MMR jab were first raised in 1998 when Dr Wakefield published a study in the highly respected Lancet medical journal claiming it was linked to autism and bowel disorders.

It led to hundreds of thousands of parents boycotting the vaccine while at the same time there was a surge in cases of measles and mumps which were previously almost non -existent in some parts of the country.

In 2006 a 13-year-old boy died in the country's first measles fatality for 14 years and another death followed two years later.
Dr Sohail Bhatti said parents were worried about extremely rare side effects of MMR and have forgotten how serious the diseases are

The Lancet retracted the study in 2004 and Dr Wakefield became increasingly ostracised by the medical profession as numerous studies showed there was no link between the jab and autism.

In May he was finally struck off by the General Medical Council following a extensive three-year hearing and accused of "callously disregarding" vulnerable children.

The panel were highly critical of his research methods which included giving children a £5 reward if they gave blood samples at his son's birthday party.

But although his findings have since been disputed, uptake of the MMR jab still remains worryingly low.

In some parts of the country just 59 per cent of children have been vaccinated, compared to 91 per cent in 1997 before the scare.

The latest figures show that cases of mumps amongst children and young people increased by 300 per cent in the last year alone

The disease can be particularly serious after puberty and can cause miscarriages in pregnant women and infertility in men.

Cases of measles are also rising and there are now around 1,200 a year, ten times the amount in 1997.



家庭在作戰 18年後勝訴MMR疫苗損害兒子http://autumnson-nwo.blogspot.com/2010/08/18mmr.html#bn-forum-1-1-3202415878/7773/0/show/18mmr.html

疫苗死亡和受傷個案狂升因為掩蓋內爆 http://autumnson-nwo.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_1177.html

隱藏的政府文件暴露給嬰兒的麻疹疫苗的謊言 http://autumnson-nwo.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post_22.html

