

美軍指揮官承認 委內瑞拉與革命武裝份子沒有關係

美軍指揮官承認 委內瑞拉與革命武裝份子沒有關係
US commander admits to no Venezuela-rebel ties

Fri, 12 Mar 2010 05:54:20 GMT

US Commander of the Southern Command General Douglas Fraser

A top US military commander in Latin America has confirmed Venezuelan government's insistence on not aiding regional rebel groups, rejecting Spain's accusations against the Hugo Chavez Administration.
美國在拉丁美洲的一名高級軍事指揮官,已確認委內瑞拉政府堅持沒有協助地區性叛亂團體,拒絕西班牙針對查韋斯政府的指責 。

"We have not seen any connection specifically that I can verify that there has been a direct government-to-terrorist connection," said General Douglas Fraser, chief of US military's Southern Command, responsible for Latin American operations, on Thursday.
"We have continued to watch very closely for any connections between illicit and terrorist organization activity within the region," Fraser claimed.
President Chavez and other Latin American leaders have spoken harshly of the continuation of large US military presence in the region, arguing that such presence reflects US intention to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American countries, as it has done so for decades.

Fraser's comments follow accusations by a Spanish judge linking alleged assassination plots in Spain by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Basque separatist group ETA to Venezuela.

Caracas has vehemently rejected the charges, exasperating already tense relations with Spain.


