


Terrorist Training Camps in the US


The Spread of Homegrown Terrorists - Islamic training camps in America's back yard. Why are these communities left to flourish in the US?
本土恐怖分子的擴散 - 在美國的後院中的伊斯蘭訓練營,為什麼這些社團在美國被遺下可作蓬勃發展?

reply posted on 23-3-2010 @ 09:57 AM by Full_Vision

Born and raised in the US but no longer living there, i have loved ones who are still in the country that i keep in contact with and my Father-being one of those i keep in touch with- was recently telling me when i phoned last, sometime last week i believe, that he has seen a lot of suspicious activity concerning this very topic where they live... which is in Upstate NY.. anyone that knows the area at all knows that the mountains of this part of the state are often used to hide away in..(and is also 'Stephen King territory' for book and film backgrounds) for whatever reasons one may need to hide. You can set up camp far into the woodland and no one would be the wiser.. my Father is an ourdoors man/naturalist type so is often out roaming said woodland.. hence he has been noticing behaviour thats aroused his suspicions of a group of folk not from the area at all that have set up camp far back into the middle of nowhere Upstate..
在美國出生並成長,但已不再在那裡生活,我有所愛及保持接觸的人仍留在國家,和我的父親 - 其中一個我有保持聯繫 - 最近告訴我當我上次致電,我相信是上星期某些時間,他在他們居住的地方,已看到很多和此主題有關的可疑活動...那是在紐約上州..任何知道那地區的人都知道,州的這部分的山區經常被用來躲藏。(和亦是'史提芬金領土'作為書籍和電影背景)為任何一個人要躲藏的原因。您可以深入林地去建立營地,和沒有人將是那更明智的..我父親是一個户外活動人/大自然愛好者類型,所以往往出去漫遊例如林地..由此他已一直注意到,一組不全來自地區的鄉民的行為引起他的懷疑,他們已在上州的中間不知處建立營地..

The topic of this thread caught my attention due to this phone conversation, thought i would add in about it..
good find
