


UN orders independent review of its climate body and potential conflicts of interests

Thursday, 11 March 2010 11:29

UN orders independent review of its climate body

UNITED NATIONS, March 10 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations announced on Wednesday that it would finance an independent review of its panel on climate change, which faces accusations of scientific misinformation and potential financial conflicts of interest.
聯合國 3月10日電(新華社) - 聯合國週三宣布,它將出資一項獨立審查其氣候變化專門委員會,它面對科學信息錯誤和潛在金融利益衝突的指控。
The scientific organization InterAcademy Council (IAC) will conduct a comprehensive review of the procedures and processes of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)," said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
"It will be conducted completely independently of the United Nations," said Ban.
Britain's Sunday Telegraph and others have unearthed problems and inaccuracies in the IPCC's landmark 2007 climate report. For example, the report concluded that the Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035. It was based on a decade-old interview with a glaciologist, who later claimed he was misquoted. The panel expressed "regret" for the mistake.
英國的星期日電訊報和其它已揭露問題和不正確地方,在有里程碑意義的IPCC 2007年氣候變化報告。例如,該報告結論喜馬拉雅冰川可能在2035年消失,它是建基於一個冰川學家的十年舊採訪,他後來聲稱他被錯誤地引用,小組為錯誤表示“遺憾”。
Without disclosing the price tag for the study, co-chair of the IAC Robbert Dijkgraaf told reporters that the United Nations will finance support for the review panel, such as travel expenses.

However, he did not know what accountability mechanisms would be put in place to establish independence from the UN despite the financial link.

"We will have to look into this," he said. The IAC, which is multinational organization of the world's science academies, is currently led by two-chairs, Dijkgraaf of the Netherlands and Lu Yongxiang of China.

The intergovernmental body was created in 2000 to provide scientific-based advise to international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.




