Venezuela denies links with ETA, FARC
Tue, 02 Mar 2010 09:49:09 GMT

Venezuela has denied allegations by Spain that the socialist nation has ties to terrorist groups active in South America and Europe.
"We do not house guerrillas, nor do we have a pact with guerrillas," said Venezuelan Congressman Hayden Pirela.
Pirela was responding to a 26-page indictment by Spanish judge Eloy Velasco, who accused Caracas of acting as a link between the Basque separatist group ETA and FARC rebels in Colombia.
Velasco also charged a suspected member of ETA, Arturo Cubillas Fontan, of serving numerous high-level roles within the Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez.
Seven members of the FARC and six members of ETA have also been accused of terrorism, conspiracy to commit murder, and numerous other offenses by the judge.
Following the report, the Spanish government urged Venezuela to clarify its position on the issue and on Monday Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero stressed that his government "will act in accordance with that explanation."
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has also called on his country's authorities to deal with the Spanish judge's indictment "through diplomatic channels."
Pirela meanwhile dismissed the indictment as "part of a campaign to discredit Venezuela."
Chavez, who is in Uruguay to attend the inauguration of new President Jose Mujica, is yet to comment on the subject.
The latest development comes a day after the long-sought ETA military leader, Ibon Gogeascoechea Arronategui, was captured along with two other suspects in northern France.
The Spanish government blames ETA for the deaths of almost 830 people in a 4-decade-long armed campaign for the independence of the Basque region of northern Spain and southwest France.
According to Spain's investigations, ETA has been training FARC members since 2003 and in exchange, FARC has compensated the Basque terrorists using revenues from drug trafficking.
Spain accuses FARC, ETA rebels of murder plot
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 22:35:33 GMT

A Spanish judge has charged 13 suspected members of the Basque separatist group ETA and Colombian rebel group FARC over a plot to kill the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.
Judge Eloy Velasco says he believes the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has sought ETA's assistance in a purported plot to kill a number of ranking Colombian officials including Uribe in Spain.
The judge also accused the Venezuelan government of contributing to the reported contacts between FARC rebels and ETA separatists, Reuters reported.
The Spanish court cited reports claiming that the Venezuelan military escorted ETA rebels for a meeting with FARC guerrillas in 2007.
"This shows Venezuelan government cooperation in the illicit collaboration between FARC and ETA," Velasco claimed.
The Spanish government has also demanded an explanation from Caracas on the latest issue, with the Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero telling reporters on Monday that "the Spanish government will act in accordance with that explanation."
ETA military leader, Ibon Gogeascoechea Arronategui, captured after a surveillance operation in northern France on Sunday, is to stand trial along with two other members of the group.
All three suspects are wanted by Spain on suspicion of involvement in terror attacks. According to Spain's investigations, ETA has been training FARC members since 2003 and in exchange, FARC has compensated the Basque terrorists using revenues from drug trafficking.