


US has no better friend than Israel, Vice President Biden says

Posted : Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:50:16 GMT

Tel Aviv - The United States has a special relationship with Israel and has "no better friend" in the world,Vice President Joe Biden told Israelis Thursday. "Every day Israel faces threats no country should have to endure. America stands with you shoulder to shoulder facing these threats. The United States stands firmly next to Israel against the scourge of terrorism,"he said, in an address at Tel Aviv University.
特拉維夫 - 美國與以色列有一特殊的關係,和在世界上“沒有更好的朋友,”副總統拜登星期四告訴以色列人。 “每天以色列都在面對沒有國家應忍受的威脅,美國和你們肩並肩站在一起面對這些威脅,美國堅定地站在以色列旁邊,對抗恐怖主義的禍害,”他在對特拉維夫大學的一篇演說。
Biden's speech, touted in advance as one of the highlights of his visit, was instead overshadowed by an Israeli decision, announced Tuesday evening, to build 1600 new homes in a part of Jerusalem located in the occupied West Bank.

The vice president was caught by surprise by the Israeli announcement, and issued a stinging rebuke to his hosts.

