Brazil to launch massive swine flu vaccination drive
Posted : Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:10:11 GMT
Brasilia - Brazil is to launch a massive campaign aimed at vaccinating 91 million people against the new H1N1 influenza virus, the Health Ministry said Thursday. The campaign, which is to start Monday, targets just under half of Brazil's total population. For the first two week, it will focus on health-sector professionals and indigenous communities.
巴西利亞 - 巴西將展開大規模運動,旨在對 9,100萬人接種疫苗對抗新的H1N1流感病毒,衛生部星期四說。這場星期一開始的運動,只目標不到一半的巴西總人口。在首兩個星期,它將側重於衛生部門專業人員和土著社區。
In the second stage, from March 22 to May 21, it will be extended to pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, those above 60 years and children under 2 years.
在第二階段,從 3月22日至5月21號,它將擴大到孕婦,有慢性疾病的人,那些60歲以上和2歲以下的兒童。
The government currently has 83 million doses of the vaccine and is to acquire 30 million more doses in the coming months.