'9/11 panel was warned not to probe too deeply'
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 02:57:39 GMT

Leaked confidential documents have revealed that senior officials from the former US administration had warned a 9/11 investigation panel against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks.
In a letter obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the 9/11 Commission was refused permission to question terror suspects, with the Bush administration arguing that by doing so the panel would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's efforts to protect the nation.
在一封美國公民自由聯盟(ACLU)得到的信中,9 / 11委員會被拒質問恐怖嫌犯,有布殊政府爭論這樣做,小組將“過”一條“界線”,和阻撓政府的努力保護國家。
Citing the need to "Safeguard the national security, including protection of Americans from future terrorist attacks," the government officials demanded the Commission not make further attempts at conducting a deeper probe into the September 11 terror attacks.
引用需要去“維護國家安全,包括保護美國人免於未來的恐怖襲擊,”政府官員要求委員會,不要作出進一步嘗試去進行更深入探討,有關 9/11的恐怖襲擊。
"As the officers of the United States responsible for the law enforcement, defense and intelligence functions of the Government, we urge your Commission not to further pursue the proposed request to participate in the questioning of detainees," the letter said.
The warning note dated January 6, 2004 has been signed by former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Director George Tenet.
該警告照會 日期是2004年1月6日,由前司法部長阿什克羅夫特,國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德和中央情報局局長特尼特所簽署。
The 9/11 Commission was set up in November 2002 to prepare a full account of the circumstances surrounding the attacks, which still have an air of suspicion around them.
9 / 11委員會成立於 2002年11月,負責準備一份圍繞襲擊情況的全面敘述,仍有一懷疑的氣氛在它們周圍。
The revelation comes as according to a recent survey, one-quarter of US adults believe that the 2001 terrorist attacks were fabricated.