This is a list of the ten most famous ciphers and writing systems that are still unsolved.

Kryptos is a sculpture by American artist James Sanborn located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia, in the United States. Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the encrypted messages it bears. It continues to provide a diversion for employees of the CIA and other cryptanalysts attempting to decrypt the messages. The ciphertext on one half of the main sculpture contains 869 characters in total, however Sanborn released information in April of 2006 stating that an intended letter on the main half of Kryptos was missing. This would bring the total number of characters to 870 on the main portion. The other half of the sculpture comprises a Vigenère encryption tableau, comprised of 869 characters, if spaces are counted.

2.Shugborough Hall EnscriptionThe Shepherd’s Monument at Shugborough Hall carries a relief (pictured above) that shows a woman watching three shepherds pointing to a tomb. On the tomb is depicted the Latin text “Et in arcadia ego” (”I am also in Arcadia” or “I am even in Arcadia”). The relief is based on a painting by the French artist Nicholas Poussin, known itself as Et in Arcadia ego, but the relief has a number of modifications — most noticeably that it is reversed horizontally. Another difference is a change in which letter of the tomb a shepherd is pointing at. In the painting the letter R in ARCADIA is being pointed to. The finger in the sculpture is broken, but was pointing to the N in IN. The sculpture also adds an extra sarcophagus to the scene, placed on top of the one with the Latin phrase. Below the image of the monument are the following letters:
在實挌堡大廳的牧羊人紀念碑帶有慰藉(上圖),它展示一個女人看着三個牧羊人指向一個墳墓,在墳墓上面雕出了拉丁文字“Et in arcadia ego”(“我亦在阿卡迪亞”或“我甚至在阿卡迪亞”)。那慰籍是建基於由法國藝術家尼古拉普桑的畫作,以它自己為 Et in Arcadia 自尊心知名,但慰籍有數項修訂 - 最值得留意的是它是水平地倒轉;另一項區別是墳墓字母的改變,一個牧羊人正在指住。在畫作中,ARCADIA的字母R被指住,雕塑的手指是裂了,但仍在指向IN的N。雕塑還在場景加入一副石棺,放在一個有拉丁文句的頂上。在紀念碑影像下面是下列的字母:
D O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V. M
For adherents of the modern Grail-conspiracy legend, the inscription is alleged to hold a clue to the location of the Holy Grail.

3.Chinese Gold Bar CipherIn 1933, seven gold bars were allegedly issued to a General Wang in Shanghai, China. These gold bars appear to represent metal certificates related to a bank deposit with a U.S. Bank. The gold bars themselves have pictures, Chinese writing, some form of script writing, and cryptograms in latin letters. Not surprisingly, there is a dispute concerning the validity of the claim for the deposit. It may help to resolve the dispute if someone can decipher the cryptograms on the bars. Nobody has yet put for the a theory as to their meaning. The Chinese writing has been translated, and discusses a transaction in excess of $300,000,000.
在1933年,七條金條據稱被發行給中國上海的王將軍,這些金條似乎是代表一美國銀行存款相關的金屬單據。金條本身有圖畫,中文書寫- 某種形式的字體,和拉丁字母密碼。毫不驚奇地,有糾紛涉及存款宣稱的有效性,它可能有助於裁決那爭端,如果有人能使用金條上的拉丁密碼;目前仍還沒有人交出一種理論符合它們的含義。中文書寫已被翻譯,並商談一項超過三億美元的交易。

4.Linear A
Linear A is one of two linear scripts used in ancient Crete (a third script is Cretan Hieroglyphs). They were discovered and named by Arthur Evans. Linear B was deciphered in 1952 by Michael Ventris and was used to write Mycenaean Greek. Linear A is far from being totally deciphered but it is partially understood and it may be read through Linear B values. Though the two scripts share many of the same symbols, using the syllables associated with Linear B in Linear A writings produces words that are unrelated to any known language.
線性 A是兩種在古代克里特島(第三種字體是克里特島聖書體)使用的線性手寫體之一。他們被阿瑟埃文斯發現和命名。線性 B是在1952年被邁克爾地利破譯,被用來編寫邁錫尼希臘。線形A仍遠離被完全破譯,但它是部分被理解和透過線性 B值它可被讀穿。雖然兩種字體有許多相同的符號,使用和線性B有關的音節在線性A的寫作上,產生的字是與任何已知的語言無關。

5.The Phaistos Disk
The disc of Phaistos is the most important example of hieroglyphic inscription from Crete and was discovered in 1903 in a small room near the depositories of the “archive chamber”, in the north - east apartments of the palace, together with a Linear A tablet and pottery dated to the beginning of the Neo-palatial period (1700- 1600 B.C.).
費斯托斯碟是克里特島最重要的象形文字例子,在1903年被發現於一間小房間,近住“檔案室”的貯藏所,在宮殿公寓的東北,連同線性A的刻寫板和陶器,追溯至新富麗堂皇時期( 公元前1600 -1700年)。
Both surfaces of this clay disc are covered with hieroglyphs arranged in a spiral zone, impressed on the clay when it was damp. The signs make up groups divided from each other by vertical lines, and each of these groups should represent a word. Forty five different types of signs have been distinguished, of which a few can be identified with the hieroglyphs in use in the Proto- palatial period.
粘土碟的兩個表面覆蓋著象形文字,安排在一個螺旋區,當它潮濕銘刻在黏土上。符號分組及彼此由垂直線分開,這些組的每一個應代表一個字, 45個不同類型的符號已被分辨,其中一些能以原始宮殿時期使用的象形文被識別。