


Bush: Israel asked me to bomb Syria

Sat Nov 6, 2010 6:16AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Former US President George W. Bush in his Oval Office.

Former US President George W. Bush says Israel had asked him to bomb an alleged nuclear site in Syria in 2007, but he balked at the request due to lack of justification.

In his memoir, “Decision Points,” to hit bookshelves on Tuesday, Bush revealed that he obtained an intelligence report about a “suspicious, well-hidden facility in the eastern desert of Syria”, which closely resembled a nuclear facility at Yongbyon in North Korea, the Jerusalem Post reported on Friday.
Afterwards, he telephoned the then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to discuss what decision should be made in dealing with the allegations that the facility was aimed at developing nuclear weapons, an accusation flatly rejected by Syrian officials at that time.
Excerpts from the memoir also shed light on the “execution of the strike” mentality within the Israeli government and Olmert's disappointment when Bush rejected the request to launch a military strike against the compound.
“George, I'm asking you to bomb the compound,” Olmert asked the 64-year-old former president, according to the excerpts.
“喬治,我在要求你炸毀複合物,”奧爾默特問 64歲的前總統,根據摘錄。
Following the telephone conversation, Bush recalls he considered the request and discussed the issue with his national security advisers, but failed to obtain any concrete evidence that could verify Israel's allegations.
The mission to bomb the facility was hashed out but bombing a sovereign state with no warning or announced justification would create severe blowback, he said in his memoir.
“I cannot justify an attack on a sovereign nation unless my intelligence agencies stand up and say it's a weapons program,” Bush responded to the former Israeli premier.

However, Olmert bitterly lamented the “diplomacy option” backed up by the threat of force, which was advocated by the Bush administration in dealing with the Syrian issue.

“Your strategy is very disturbing to me,” Olmert said in response.

Nevertheless, the Syrian nuclear facility was fiercely attacked by the Israeli military in September 2007.

Bush recalls his years in office in a new memoir, which relates his personal decisions during his tenure, which range from his struggle with alcoholism and his giving up drinking in 1986, to his decision to invade Iraq in 2003, to the ordeal of the 2008 Wall Street meltdown.

The 43rd president of the United States, whose approval ratings hit a record low in the twilight of his presidency, maintains that history will judge him more favorably when people read his autobiography.


(商台)2010年11月3日 星期三 11:16
美國 前總統喬治布殊 的回憶錄即將面世,揭露他在任八年的秘聞軼事,他承認在處理伊拉克 戰爭及颶風卡塔里娜吹襲新奧爾良時有失誤,又透露曾經考慮過撤換當時的副總統切尼 。布殊表示,最終在伊拉克未能找到大殺傷力武器,無人會比他更震驚及憤怒,每次回想事件都有噁心的感覺。布殊又否認在任時,揮霍上屆政府留下的盈餘,指大部分盈餘都是假象,當九一一 襲擊發生及經濟衰退來臨時,只餘下很少盈餘。 布殊的回憶錄名為《決策時刻》,他形容,由零一年九一一襲擊開始,直至金融海嘯爆發,自己就如擔任一隻沉船的船長,但相信外界對他的評價,要數十年才有定論,但屆時他已不會知道。他在書中無評論現任總統奧巴馬 的表現。

美國前總統布殊在其回憶錄《Decision Points》中,承認親自批准對懷疑策動九一一恐襲的疑犯哈立德使用水刑,因為他認為哈立德尚知道一些針對美國的恐怖襲擊計劃。他又說為了拯救其他人的生命,如果要再作選擇,他仍會作同樣決定。布殊早前曾承認批准使用水刑等方法審問疑犯,是因司法部及其他幕僚向他表示有關方法合法。(綜合報道)

內塔尼亞胡向美國施壓 要求其武力威脅伊朗

