US to spend $85bn on nuclear complex
Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:32PM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The US plans to allocate more than $85 billion during the next decade to modernize its nuclear weapons complex, according to the White House.
美國計劃撥款超過 850億美元,在未來十年現代化它的核武器複合物,根據白宮。
Under the George W. Bush administration, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), tasked with ensuring the safety and reliability of the US nuclear weapons stockpile, lost 20 percent of its purchasing power, UPI reported.
The NNSA said it is committed to modernizing the country's nuclear weapons and that it has the backing of the White House.
US president Barack Obama has called for $7 billion to be made available to fund the NNSA by 2011, which would represent close to a 10 percent increase from 2010.
美國總統奧巴馬呼籲2011年提供 70億美元資助給國家核安全局,這將代表從 2010年接近百分之十的增長。
In addition to the funding Obama is seeking, the NNSA would be funded with another $600 million in 2012.
The White House said $85 billion is to be made available to the NNSA in the coming decade, which would enable the agency to comprehensively update the country's nuclear arsenal.
Earlier this year, US lawmakers, made a proposal to allocate $80.9 billion to the NNSA. The White House plan calls $4.1 billion more than the proposal of Congress.
"This level of funding is unprecedented since the end of the Cold War," the White House said in a statement.