AP IMPACT: Cadmium, lead found in drinking glasses
AP - 2010年11月22日 下午 10:56:09

Drinking glasses depicting comic book and movie characters such as Superman, Wonder Woman and the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" exceed federal limits for lead in children's products by up to 1,000 times, according to laboratory testing commissioned by The Associated Press.
描繪漫畫和電影人物如超人、神奇女俠和“綠野仙踪”的鐵皮人的玻璃杯,超過鉛在兒童的產品的聯邦限制達 1,000倍,根據美聯社委託的實驗室檢測。
The decorative enamel on the superhero and Oz sets -- made in China and purchased at a Warner Brothers Studios store in Burbank -- contained between 16 percent and 30.2 percent lead. The federal limit on children's products is 0.03 percent.
The same glasses also contained relatively high levels of the even-more-dangerous cadmium, though there are no federal limits on that toxic metal in design surfaces.
In separate testing to recreate regular handling, other glasses shed small but notable amounts of lead or cadmium from their decorations. Federal regulators have worried that toxic metals rubbing onto children's hands can get into their mouths. Among the brands on those glasses: Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Burger King and McDonald's.
The Coca-Cola Co., which had been given AP's test results last week, announced Sunday evening that after retesting it was voluntarily recalling 88,000 glasses over concerns regarding the mainly red glass in a four-glass set.
The AP testing was part of the news organization's ongoing investigation into dangerous metals in children's products and was conducted in response to a recall by McDonald's of 12 million glasses this summer because cadmium escaped from designs depicting four characters in the latest "Shrek" movie.
The New Jersey manufacturer of those glasses said in June that the products were made according to standard industry practices, which includes the routine use of cadmium to create red and similar colors. That same company, French-owned Arc International, made the glasses that Coca-Cola said it was pulling.
To assess potential problems with glass collectibles beyond the "Shrek" set, AP bought and analyzed new glasses off the shelf, and old ones from online auctions, thrift shops and a flea market. The buys were random.
The fact it was so easy to find glasses that appeal to kids and appear to violate the federal lead law suggests that contamination in glassware is wider than one McDonald's promotion.
The irony of the latest findings is that AP's original investigation in January revealed that some Chinese manufacturers were substituting cadmium for banned lead in children's jewelry; that finding eventually led to the McDonald's-Shrek recall; now, because of the new testing primarily for cadmium in other glassware, lead is back in the spotlight as well.
(商台)2010年11月22日 星期一 10:34
美聯社委託一間化驗所做的調查顯示,多款有卡通人物造型的玻璃杯,外層塗料的重金屬鉛及鎘含量超標,部分樣本更超標一千倍。其中有綠野仙蹤及超級英雄造型的玻璃杯,由中國製造,在加州的華納兄弟影城出售。 受影響的還包括可口可樂 公司,要回收 八萬八千隻玻璃杯,而麥當勞 早在今年夏天,已回收有問題的玻璃杯,涉及數目一千二百萬隻。美國 當局擔心,小童雙手接觸重金含量超標的玻璃杯,再拿食物放進口部,會把重金屬帶進體內,危害健康。
(商台)2010年11月22日 星期一 12:33
本港海關 正了解,美國 有調查指,多款玻璃杯外層塗料重金屬含量超標事件。調查由美聯社委託一間化驗所進行,發現多款卡通人物造型的玻璃杯,外層塗料的重金屬鉛及鎘含量超標,部分樣本更超標一千倍,部份玻璃杯在中國製造,在加州的華納兄弟影城出售。 受影響的還包括可口可樂 公司,要回收 八萬八千隻玻璃杯,而麥當勞 早在今年夏天,已回收有問題的玻璃杯,涉及數目一千二百萬隻。美國當局擔心,小童接觸玻璃杯後,再用手拿食物,會把重金屬帶進體內,危害健康。