

美下周發射太空飛機 2小時飛抵地球任何地點

US to launch secret 'space warplane'

Mon, 19 Apr 2010 23:33:02 GMT
An artist's conception of the X-37

The United States Air Force has announced that it will launch a secret space plane that has sparked speculation about the militarization of space.

The Pentagon has set April 21 as the date for the launch of the robotic space plane known as the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), which is a reusable unmanned plane capable of long outer space missions at low orbits.

Since the nature of the project is shrouded in mystery, defense analysts allege that the US military is building the first generation of US 'space Predator drones' that will build up the United States' space armada, the Christian Science Monitor wrote in a recent article.

Military experts argue that the US Department of Defense would not have saved NASA's costly X-37B project, which had been scrapped, if it did not have a military application.

They say the US wants to maintain a leading role in space via the development of the new 'space weapon' at a time when other countries like China are expanding their space programs.

However, US military officials maintain that the X-37B will only be used for transporting payloads and facilitating space experiments.

The OTV is capable of supporting a range of tests, the Air Force spokesperson for the project said earlier at the 26th National Space Symposium.

"The first mission will emphasize proving technologies necessary for long duration reusable space vehicles with autonomous reentry and landing capabilities," Angie Blair added.

She went on to say that the "specific details of the OTV capabilities, limitations and vulnerabilities" remain classified.

The X-37B can stay at an orbit between 200 and 800 kilometers for around 270 days before landing automatically at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, reports say.

The location of the mission control center for the Boeing-made space vehicle is also a classified secret, but Blair says that Air Force Space Command's 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron (AFSPC) will run the operation.

Military space specialist Professor Roger Handberg, who is the chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, told Space.com that the X-37B project may signify continued U.S. Air Force interest in a rapid response vehicle along the lines of the long-proposed space maneuver vehicle.

He added that the project could be viewed "as the logical extension of the push into unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) where vehicles used for observation have moved into weapon carriers and various other missions, many classified."

"From the perspective of international observers, especially in space-aspiring states such as China, the X-37B program just reinforces their view that the U.S. is pushing to gain first mover advantage in rapid response, including possible weaponization of space using this vehicle or a derivative," Handberg noted.

Political analysts say that the X-37B project could be interpreted as a violation of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 if the space plane is used for military purposes.

The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, officially known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, states that the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind; states shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner; the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes; astronauts shall be regarded as the envoys of mankind; states shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects; and states shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies.

Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty states: "A State Party to the Treaty which has reason to believe that an activity or experiment planned by another State Party in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, would cause potentially harmful interference with activities in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, may request consultation concerning the activity or experiment."

In addition, a proposal has been put forward for a Space Preservation Treaty that would ban all space weapons, but no country has signed the treaty so far.


美下周發射太空飛機 2小時飛抵地球任何地點


  2002年,當美海軍陸戰隊中校羅斯福-拉方坦特(Roosevelt Lafontant)最早提出研制適於海軍陸戰隊使用的太空飛機的構想時,質疑者甚至不能自已,當場笑出聲來。如今,隨著“作戰概念”(CONOPS,即提出如何使用特定武器系統的正式軍事文件)以及已經完成、但尚未公布的五角大樓相關技術路線圖浮出水面,人們開始注意到“小分隊太空運輸和插入”(簡稱SUSTAIN)這一海軍陸戰隊太空飛機概念。

  現供職於美國軍事技術咨詢機構——謝弗公司(Schafer Corporation)的拉方坦特說:“后來,質疑聲減少,人們開始談論這一概念,再后來,他們的態度變得嚴肅起來。最終,我們確定了作戰概念﹔質疑者再也笑不出來了,人們開始激烈討論該計劃在技術上的可行性。”經過數十年屢遭失敗的研制工作,美國軍用太空飛機終於贏得一些尊重。美空軍計劃在4月19日發射X-37B太空飛機。

  X-37B是一款無人駕駛太空飛機,在自動著陸前將繞地球飛行數圈(具體圈數屬機密)。彈出式偵察平台的構想是美空軍太空飛機計劃的基本組成部分。美海軍陸戰隊的太空飛機旨在將這支部隊的口號“先發制人”(first to fight)發揮至極致:這種作戰平台可以在兩小時內將海軍陸戰隊隊員運往世界任何地方,並在完成任務后再將他們送到安全地點。



  海軍陸戰隊科學技術顧問弗朗茲-蓋爾(Franz Gayl)是拉方坦特以外,太空飛機概念的另一位推動者。雖說這不屬於他管轄的范圍,蓋爾仍將所有業余時間用來推動實現這一概念。功夫不負有心人。五角大樓國家太空安全辦公室(NSSO)目前正在對太空飛機路線圖做最后的評審。SUSTAIN計劃與波音建造的X-37B太空飛機有一些相似之處,不過前者主要吸引“新太空”公司的參與。

  2009年,在國家太空安全辦公室與空軍安全力量中心(Security Forces Center)在得克薩斯州拉克蘭德空軍基地聯合召開的會議上,美國政府官員和私營企業家紛紛提出有助於SUSTAIN開發的新技術。參加會議的XCOR宇航公司首席執行官杰夫-格裡森(Jeff Greason)說:“我們反復討論過各種創意。這是一個有趣的挑戰,我一直在從技術上思考這種太空飛機的工作原理。”


  美國縮尺復合體公司(Scaled Composites)創始人伯特-魯坦指出,“太空船一號”和“太空船二號”的飛行速度目前無法達到進入軌道所需的25馬赫。若要達到這一速度,技術人員隻能給兩架私人飛行器綁上助推器,可它們又無法承受重返地球大氣層時產生的熱負荷。魯坦說:“他們不善於將衛星送入軌道。設計人員或許更善於從零開始。”





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