Dr Kelly was murdered: British expertsTue Nov 16, 2010 9:25AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Drugs experts leading an inquiry into the death of Britain's former weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kelly, say his death was “murder” and not suicide.
Experts also called on the police to launch a murder inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, casting serious doubt on the official claim the scientist overdosed on painkillers.
According to Dr Andrew Watt who is a top clinical pharmacologist, Kelly could have only take a “safe” dose of coproxamol painkiller tablets as there was so little of the substance in his blood after he died.
“I reported to the Thames [Valley Police] force that I believe that the death of Dr Kelly may have been murder. I have received an acknowledgement and they have given me an incident number,” Watt said.
He added he has been “told that the inquiry is being conducted by a very senior officer”.
This comes as other reports strengthen doubts about the validity of the verdict by the Hutton inquiry which took priority over an inquest normally required for cases of suspicious death.
According to Daily Mail Kelly left an answer-phone message for his Friend Nigel Cox a few days before his death on July 18, 2003, saying he is looking forward to joining him for a game of cards on July 23.
Cox who was on holiday when Kelly left him the message, heard it only after his friend's death.
“Hi Nige, I will see you at crib next Wednesday” said the message according to Cox who concluded Kelly's tone was positive and not suicidal.
Cox said he told the Thames Valley Police about the message as its tone could help them ensure Kelly was not thinking of suicide but the force never came around to collect the message.
This is while according to Dr Michael Powers QC who is the representative of a group of doctors pushing for a full inquest in to Kelly's death “Establishing evidence of intent to commit suicide is essential”.
“It is very surprising Thames Valley Police failed to follow up this important lead. Were there to be a coroner's inquest this evidence would have to be investigated,” Powers said.
Thames Valley Police has refused to comment on why they failed to collect the answer-phone message.
Kelly was found dead after he left his home in Oxfordshire for a daily walk with a cut left wrist artery.
A few days before his death he had disclosed to the BBC that the government had “sexed up” a dossier on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to justify the invasions of the Middle Eastern country.
The British and the US governments never found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after they occupied the country in 2003.
屍檢報告解密 凱利之死「確系自殺
猶太復國主義議程(演說全文)大衛凱利被謀殺的真相 BBC (長片)