Churchill Advisor Revealed Illuminati Thinking
"To consolidate the rule of supermen--to perpetuate the British Empire [i.e. the NWO] --one need only remove the ability of slaves to see themselves as slaves." -- Frederick Lindemann (1856-1957) Churchill's Chief Scientific Adviser
“為鞏固超人的統治 - 永恆大英帝國 [即新世界秩序] - 一個人只需要刪除奴隸的能力,去視他們自己為奴隸。”- 弗雷德里克林德曼(1856年至1957年),丘吉爾的首席科學顧問

(abridged by
November 9, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Eugenic ideas feature in a lecture that Lord Cherwell (then known as Professor Lindemann) had delivered more than once, probably in the early 1930s. He had detailed a science-based solution to a challenge that occupied many an intellect of the time: preserving for eternity the hegemony of the superior classes.
Any attempt "to force upon Nature an equality she has never admitted" was bound to lead to bloody strife, the scientist asserted in a draft of this talk.
Instead of subscribing to what he called "the fetish of equality," he recommended that human differences be accepted and indeed enhanced by means of science. It was no longer necessary, he wrote, to wait for "the haphazard process of natural selection to ensure that the slow and heavy mind gravitates to the lowest form of activity."
New technologies such as surgery, mind control, and drug and hormone manipulations would one day allow humans to be fine-tuned for specific tasks. Society could create "gladiators or philosophers, athletes or artists, satyrs or monks" at will--indeed, it could manufacture "men with a passion and perhaps even aptitude for any desired vocation." At the lower end of the race and class spectrum, one could remove from "helots" (the Greek word for slaves) the ability to suffer or to feel ambition.
新技術如外科手術、精神控制,和藥物及激素的操控,將有一天容許人們為具體任務得到微調。社會能創造“鬥劍者或哲學家、運動員或藝術家、薩梯(註:森林之神, 嗜酒好色)或僧侶”隨意願行 - 事實上,它可製造“有激情的男子和可能甚至是為任何需要職業的性向。”在民族和階級頻譜的下端,一個人可從“helots”(希臘字的奴隸)的能力移除去遭受或感受野心。
"Somebody must perform dull, dreary tasks, tend machines, count units in repetition work; is it not incumbent on us, if we have the means, to produce individuals without a distaste for such work, types that are as happy in their monotonous occupation as a cow chewing the cud?" Lindemann asked.
Science could yield a race of humans blessed with "the mental make-up of the worker bee." This subclass would do all the unpleasant work and not once think of revolution or of voting rights: "Placid content rules in the bee-hive or ant-heap." The outcome would be a perfectly peaceable and stable society, "led by supermen and served by helots."
Because many people would evince an "illogical disgust" of such alterations to the nature of the human species, one might have to make do with great apes for such tasks instead of humans, the Prof conceded. It would of course be "somewhat more difficult to make an efficient bricklayer out of a gorilla than out of a bushman," but at least no one would demand votes on behalf of an ape.
As for the "unlimited number of half-witted children born of mentally defective parents," sterilization could and should ensure that society be freed of that burden.
"Philosophers have failed to agree on any definition of what is good and what should be our aim is a matter of individual opinion," the professor summarized.
"But unless we desire to see our civilization perish, to see it disappear as the great eastern cultures of the Nile and Mesopotamia did, unless we wish to prepare [for] new dark ages such as followed the crumbling of the Roman empire, the fundamental cause of present day unrest will have to be removed."
To consolidate the rule of supermen--to perpetuate the British Empire--one need only remove the ability of slaves to see themselves as slaves.
[Former Scientific American editor Madhusree Mukerjee has just published a historical investigation of Churchill's policies in India, "Churchill's Secret War: The British Empire and Ravaging of India During World War II ".]
Whole article