法官漢尼斯溫格傳票Jane Burgermeister 8月12日審理是否把她放在法院下監管
Judge Hannes Winger summons Jane Burgermeister for hearing on August 12th to put her under court guardianship
posted on Wednesday, July 7th, 2010
Döbling Court Judge Hannes Winger signed the order to put me under court guardianship on July 3rd, a day or so after he must have recieved it from Judge Michaela Lauer, and in spite of the overwhelming evidence of misuse of the process to silence a person who has found evidence of fraud, Judge Winger has summoned Jane Burgermeister for an interview.
Mag Lauer justified her application, saying I was a crazy conspiracy theorist but as the appeal documents show, I had hard proof of her manipulation of the files.
For Judge Winger to just go ahead with an illegal order without checking exposs him to the charge of being part of an organised crime ring. I am delivering the documents to the court and will ask for a review and for the appointment to be cancelled immediately and for me to be notified by a certified letter of that cancellation.

報導漏油的記者被定罪為重罪犯和罰款 4萬美元
Journalists who report on oil spill to be given felony convictions and fines of $40,000
Georgianne Nienaber
Haiti relief worker, investigative journalist, author
Posted: July 3, 2010 09:34 AM
The United States Coast Guard considers me a felon now, because I “willfully” want to obtain more photos like these to show you the utter devastation occurring in Barataria Bay, Louisiana as a result of the BP oil catastrophe. If the Coast Guard has its way, all media, not just independent writers and photographers like myself and Jerry Moran, will be fined $40,000 and receive Class D felony convictions for providing the truth about oiled birds and dolphins, in addition to broken, filthy, unmanned boom material that is trapping oil in the marshlands and estuaries. We don’t have $40,000 to spare, and have had to scrape the bottoms of our checkbooks as is to hire boats to take us to the devastation the Coast Guard, under the direction of BP, does not want you to see.
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