Former Marxist Terrorist Elected Brazil PresidentNovember 1, 2010
By Marcos
(for henrymakow.com)
Translation by Autumnson Blog

在那些只能被定義為一個民主傳統的嘲弄,1億3千5百萬巴西人今天投票,以55%的有效選票選出 Dilma瓦納羅塞芙作為國家的下一任總統。她是一位前馬克思主義的恐怖分子,一位銀行劫匪和涉及與她的團隊謀殺無辜的人,包括一名19歲男孩。
She also never faced an election, never had a steady job in the private sector or had any accomplishments that could justify her claim to the most powerful position in Brazil. Her only asset: being chosen by Lula.
The government committed a series of unlawful actions in order to remain in power:
- Use of the State power, forcing public employees to join the campaign,
- Illegal use of union funds for events and publications favoring Dilma´s candidacy,
- Use of state companies´ advertising budget to fund pro-Dilma press,
- Corruption of poll institutes, which gave a far superior advantage for Dilma than reality. in all results,
- Illegal engagement of populist president Lula in the campaign, using public funds and his working time,
- Illegal digging and use of private tax reports of opponents,
- Illegal apprehension of lawful campaign materials and coercion of religious voices.

(1970, Police Mugshot)
- A stronger Latin American Marxist alliance, with Chavez from Venezuela, Castro in Cuba, Kirschner in Argentina and Dilma in the lead, promoting the Bolivarian supra-national revolution in the continent.
- Implementation of the PNDH3, a social engineering plan that promotes gay marriage, free abortion, ban of religious symbols, censorship in the media and pulpits, and ban of private property.
- Blind opposition to the United States (these guys murdered an American official and kidnapped the US ambassador) and support to authority regimes such as Iran and Palestine.
- Support to New World Order plans like global warming and bio-diversity,
- More growth in the participation of the state in the economy and increase in taxation.
- Support for terrorist and narcotraffic organizations such as the Colombian FARC, and Brazilian MST, a group that invades farms and kill people.
- Widespread corruption and distribution of privileges and favors for friends of the Party.
- A war against the little that is left of the opposition, with censorship laws against the internet and print media.
The situation is a fine example of Hegelian dialectics. Instead of having a leftist party against a conservative party, we saw four leftist candidates aiming for the position. Jose Serra, the "opposition" candidate, also a leftist, comes from the same cradle where the Workers Party originated, and never challenged Lula´s connections with the FARC and his many scandals. Instead, he played the "gentleman", who never complained.
When Communists want you to choose deep red against green, they set up an election with pink against light red, and make light red win. Green is excluded. Next election we see light red against deep red, and deep red wins.
If they want to approve abortion laws, they make a debate between those who support late term abortion against those who support abortion until the three month limit. Pro lifers are not invited.
Brazil now enters its purgatory. 45% of Brazilians didn´t choose the terrorist, who doesn´t have any charisma (in contrast to Lula). I predict we will see lots of trouble ahead as the economic situation deteriorates after the first crisis.
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羅塞夫成巴西首位女總統 曾因反對獨裁坐牢2010年11月01日09:52

盧拉當選總統后,作為戰友的羅塞夫成為他的左膀右臂,一直擔任盧拉總統府民事辦公室主任。在盧拉的第一屆總統任期內,羅塞夫曾擔任礦產和能源部長。2009年羅塞夫做了一次癌症手術,切除了左臂上的一個肉瘤。當時已經傳出她可能會被任命為總統候選人的消息,反對黨還曾質疑她的身體是否足以勝任總統競選。不過羅塞夫每次出現在公眾面前的時候都是面帶微笑,顯得頗為自信。(記者 畢玉明 陳威華 趙焱)