Senate slams US Army on Blackwater
Wed, 24 Feb 2010 07:22:49 GMT

The US Army's careless supervision of private security firm Blackwater allowed its employees to use weapons without authorization in Afghanistan, a Senate inquiry says.
Following a month-long probe, the Senate's Armed Service Committee revealed Tuesday that the US Army had turned a blind eye to the activities of Blackwater now known as Xe Services in Afghanistan.
"Blackwater operated in Afghanistan without sufficient oversight or supervision and with almost no consideration of the rules it was legally obligated to follow," Senator Carl Levin, the committee's chairman said.
The panel added that it has also found several cases of "reckless" use of weapons by the company's personnel, which had resulted in the killing of Afghan civilians.
The committee has also criticized Blackwater's hiring process.
According to the inquiry, some of the guards employed by the controversial security firm are violent drug users who have serious criminal records.
In May 2009, two employees of a Blackwater subsidiary, Paravant, opened fire during a drunken brawl in Kabul, killing two unarmed Afghan civilians and wounding three others.
2009年5月兩名黑水子公司Paravant的員工,在喀布爾酒後鬥毆時開槍射擊,殺死兩名手無寸鐵的阿富汗平民及炸傷 3人。
The pair identified as Justin Cannon and Christopher Drotleff both have lengthy criminal records including assault, battery and cocaine use.
兩人確定為 Cannon和德羅特萊夫,都有冗長的犯罪紀錄包括施暴、毆打和使用可卡因。
They were also both former army personnel — Drotleff being a Marine.
他們亦是前軍隊人員 - 德羅特萊夫是一位海軍。
In another incident on December 2008, Paravant employees were seen perusing a street sitting atop a rolling vehicle, with AK-47 assault rifles in hand. A bump in the road made one of the arms unload a volley of bullets, seriously wounding one employee in the head.
在另一起事件於 2008年12月,Paravant員工被看到於沿街坐在滾動的汽車頂上,手持 AK - 47突擊步槍;在路上一下碰撞使其中一件武器發射一排子彈,重傷一名員工的頭部。
This is while under their mandate, Blackwater-Paravant employee who have been sent to Afghanistan to help train the Afghan army, were not authorized to bear arms.
However, investigators found that the company obtained weapons from a warehouse which was under US military control.
The US Army's officials who were responsible for the contractors and Blackwater representatives are now expected to testify before the panel.
The secretive Blackwater was thrown into the spotlight after five of its members who were tasked to guard US diplomats in Iraq opened fire on civilians in Baghdad in September 2007, killing 17 people.
The case again caused controversy after a US District Court dropped all charges against the guards last December, saying the defendants' constitutional rights had been violated.
Following the acquittal, the Iraqi government expelled some 250 former Blackwater employees from the country.
是美軍在阿富汗處決細路? (附照可能引起不安)
美法官 駁回黑水警衛殺害17名伊拉克人案件
伊拉克已驅逐 250名前黑水人員