Greek PM says it at last: carbon taxes are just another way to raise revenue
By Janet Daley World
Last updated: November 16th, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog

George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister has said that there may need to be new Europe-wide forms of taxation to help pay for the bail-outs that will be needed by the growing number of crashing economies in the euro-zone. His suggestions include “carbon dioxide taxes” which, he says, could provide “important revenues and resouces for funding such a [bail-out] mechanism.”
I’ve never actually heard a major politician (let alone a national leader) admit this before: what Mr Papandreou is saying is that carbon taxes would have not have the effect of reducing emissions - because if they did, they would be useless as an additional form of revenue. All the hokum that is talked about protecting the planet by taxing carbon use is just a front for the real purpose of such penalties on industry and consumers which is to raise more money for governments to spend (in this case, on trying to remedy their own political follies).
其實我從來沒有聽說過一位主要的政治家(更遑論是一位國家領導人)在這之前承認:帕潘德里歐先生所說的是,碳稅將不會有減排的效果 - 因為如果它們有,它們作為一種形式的收入將是無用的。所有的噱頭說什麼使用碳徵稅保護地球,衹是一個掩護;處罰工業和消費者的真正的目的,是籌集更多的資金給政府花費(在這例中,在試圖彌補他們自己的政治愚蠢)。