Moon find may point to habitable tunnels
By staff writers
July 17, 2010

發現在月球的這洞表面70米寬,90米深 。圖:美國航天局,日本航天探測局
Moon surface may hide tunnel network
Could provide shelter for humans
US President Barack Obama may have to reconsider his decision to abandon plans to return to the Moon - it seems our closest galactic neighbour is still throwing up surprises.
Last year, NASA'a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) dipped into a low orbit around the Moon and almost immediately returned results.
Early in May, it found lost Soviet rover Lunokhod 1, which wandered off course 40 years and stopped sending signals back to Earth.
Later that month, it sent back an amazing image of a three-storey high boulder which had rolled across the Moon's surface before toppling into a crater.
Now it may have confirmed a theory that scientists had held about the Moon since the 1960s - its surface may hide a vast network of tunnels.
If they exist, such tunnels could offer the kind of shelter that would allow humans to live on the Moon.
"They could be entrances to a geologic wonderland," lead researcher Mark Robinson of Arizona State University said.
The series of photos were taken by the LRO when it passed over the Marius Hills, a location on the Moon known for its multitude of "rilles" - the long channels on the surface which first led scientists to propose the tunnel theory.
In December last year, Japanese orbiter Kaguya spotted an enormous pit in the middle of one of the Marius Hills rilles.
It was about 70m wide and dropped more than 90m to its floor.
The LRO recently returned clearer images of the pit which now have scientists believing it may be a "skylight" in a buried lava tube.
Not surprisingly, alien watchers have jumped on the discovery, claiming its the perfect lair for extraterrestrial life, but Mr Robinson said if the tunnels existed, they could have a practical use for humans.
"The tunnels offer a perfect radiation shield and a very benign thermal environment," he said.
"Once you get down to two metres under the surface of the moon, the temperature remains fairly constant, probably around -30 to -40 degrees C."
Just what we would do once we got there is anyone's guess, but given that other recent discoveries point to the fact the Moon may hold 100 times more water than we think , habitable areas could be worth noting.

北京時間7月15日消息,據國外媒體報道,在《愛麗絲夢游仙境》裡,小愛麗絲跟隨大白兔進入一個洞裡,結果發現一個全新的世界。那裡有笑瞇瞇的貓、抽水煙的毛毛虫、瘋帽子(Mad Hatter)和很多很多其他有趣的東西。由此你不禁會想,進入月球上的坑洞裡,又會發現什麼呢?
然而就像《愛麗絲夢游仙境》裡的紅心皇后“每天早飯前要思考6件不可能的事情”一樣,斯普蒂斯也採取了開放性思考方式。他說:“我們還不清楚利用遙控設備,能在這些天窗下發現什麼。要想找到答案,我們必須前往月球,對一些洞穴進行探索。我早就領略過洞穴的驚人之處。幾年前我協助給夏威夷的熔岩流繪圖。在此期間我們發現一系列非常迷人的坑洞,很多就像這些天窗。結果顯示,那裡存在一個在航空照片上很難看到的新洞穴體系。”月球天窗下的情形會跟這一樣嗎?斯普蒂斯說:“誰知道呢,我對月球充滿好奇。”(新浪 孝文)