俄羅斯西伯利亞的銀尼湖( Lake Chany),出現疑似蘇格蘭尼斯湖水怪的神秘生物!牠三年內已吃掉 19人,當地漁民要求政府調查。
上周五, 60歲戈利舍夫和一名 59歲男友人在銀尼湖中釣魚,友人發現有東西上釣,於是站在艇上拚命拉魚竿。戈利舍夫說:「當時我們離岸約 274米,突然水底下有力量將艇翻起。我嚇呆了,拚命游回岸,但友人被扯下水底,連屍骸也沒有。」
當地官員表示,過去三年有 19人在銀尼湖溺斃,但只有少數人的屍體被發現,看似被擁有巨大牙齒的生物咀嚼過。有指水怪似一條蛇,有指牠似尼斯湖水怪。要尋找銀尼湖水怪不難,因為湖水只有七米深,冬天還結冰。英國《每日郵報》
俄羅斯湖中現"水怪" 19人死不見尸居民驚恐
俄羅斯漁民要求調查殺手 Nesski的三年19宗湖泊死亡
Russian fishermen demand an investigation into killer Nesski's 19 lake deaths in three years
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:08 AM on 12th July 2010
Comments (37) Add to My Stories Russian fishermen are demanding a probe into a creature resembling the Loch Ness monster in a remote Siberian lake.
Locals say that 'Nesski' has devoured anglers who have been pulled into the murky waters of Lake Chany from their boats.
Those claiming to have glimpsed the creature say it resembles the classic long-necked image of Scotland's fabled monster. It has also been called 'snake-like', while other accounts suggest a large fin and huge tail. In this photo illustration, a witness points to where one of the men went missing, alongside a close-up of the creature that has been dubbed 'Nesski'
The latest mysterious death of a 59-year-old man last week has fuelled demands for a proper probe into what lurks beneath the surface of Chany, one of Russia's largest freshwater lakes.
'I was with my friend... some 300 yards from the shore,' said 60-year-old Vladimir Golishev. ''He hooked something huge on his bait, and he stood up in the boat to reel it in.
'But it pulled with such force that he overturned the boat. I was in shock - I had never seen anything like it in my life.
'I pulled off my clothes and swam for the shore, not daring hope I would make it.'
He said his friend was pulled under the surface, a description in common with earlier incidents.
'He didn't make it - and they have found no remains.'
Three years ago 32-year-old Mikhail Doronin - a special services soldier - was lost.
'The lake was calm, but suddenly the boat was rocking, and it capsized,' said his 80-year-old grandmother Nina, who has lived beside the lake all her life.
'Something of an awesome scale lives in the lake, but I have never seen it,' said her husband, Vladimir, 81.
Official figures say 19 people have drowned in the lake in the past three years and in most cases their remains were never found. Locals say the true figures are higher.
Some bodies that have been washed up had been eaten by a creature with large teeth, they claim.
'It is time to find out the truth,' said Golishev.
Unlike deep Loch Ness, Lake Chany is no than 23 feet in depth. Frozen in winter, it is warm and popular with swimmers in summer. It is known to contain large carp.
The lake is 57 miles in length by 55 miles in width. A relic of the Ice Age, accounts of monsters in its waters were first made public in Soviet times.