銹跡發現在俄羅斯銀行發行的 999金幣
Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins
Submitted by Tyler Durden
on 07/16/2010 20:32 -0500
Central Banks
Here's a head scratcher: as everyone knows from elementary chemistry courses, gold is the most inert metal in the world - it does not rust, nor corrode. Yet this is precisely what Russian commercial precious metal trading company, International Reserve Payment System, discovered on thousands of (allegedly) 999 gold coins "St George" (pictured insert) issued by the Central Russian Bank.
Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins
Submitted by Tyler Durden
on 07/16/2010 20:32 -0500
Central Banks
Here's a head scratcher: as everyone knows from elementary chemistry courses, gold is the most inert metal in the world - it does not rust, nor corrode. Yet this is precisely what Russian commercial precious metal trading company, International Reserve Payment System, discovered on thousands of (allegedly) 999 gold coins "St George" (pictured insert) issued by the Central Russian Bank.
這是一單搔頭料:大家都從基礎化學課程知道,黃金是世界上的惰性金屬 - 它不生銹,也不腐蝕。然而這正是俄羅斯商業貴重金屬貿易公司,國際儲備支付系統,在數以千計(據說)由中央俄羅斯銀行發行的“聖喬治”(圖插入)999金幣發現的。
The serendipitous discovery occurred after various clients of the company had requested that their gold be stored not in a safe, but in a far more secure place: "buried under an oak tree." As the website of IRPS president German Sterligoff notes: once buried, "the coins began to oxidize under the influence of moisture." And hence the headscratcher: nowhere in history (that we know of) does 999, and even 925 gold, oxidize, rust, stain, spot or form patinas, under any conditions.
偶然的發現發生在公司各類的客戶已作出要求後,要將他們的黃金不儲存在一個夾萬,但在一個遠為安全的地方:“埋在一棵橡樹下。”正如IRPS網站German Sterligoff主席指出:一旦埋藏,“金幣在水分的影響下開始氧化。”並因此搔頭:歷史(我們所知的)從來無999,和甚至925金在任何條件下氧化、生鏽、染汚,斑或形成銅綠。
Furthermore, as IRPS discovered, Sberbank of Russia released an internal memorandum ordering the purchase of the defective coins with the spotted appearance. Sterligoff concludes: "It should be noted that the weight and density of the rusty coins coincide with the characteristics of gold that would be expected after after conventional testing methods would reveal. We think that the experts will be interesting to determine the nature of this phenomenon." So just how "real" is 999 gold after all, either in Russia or anywhere else?
此外,由於板藍根正如IRPS發現,俄羅斯 的Sberbank公佈一份內部備忘錄,下令購買有斑點外觀缺陷的金幣。 Sterligoff的結論:“它應當指出,生銹金幣的重量和密度配合黃金的特徵,預期可在常規檢測方法後顯露的。我們認為專家們將有興趣確定這種現象的性質“。那麼,999黃金畢竟是如何“真”,無論是在俄羅斯或其它地方?
此外,由於板藍根正如IRPS發現,俄羅斯 的Sberbank公佈一份內部備忘錄,下令購買有斑點外觀缺陷的金幣。 Sterligoff的結論:“它應當指出,生銹金幣的重量和密度配合黃金的特徵,預期可在常規檢測方法後顯露的。我們認為專家們將有興趣確定這種現象的性質“。那麼,999黃金畢竟是如何“真”,無論是在俄羅斯或其它地方?

As a consequence of this discovery, IRPS decided to "rid itself of all stocks, bought up earlier from the Central Bank on behalf of investors. Investment coins "St. George The Conqueror", as well as other gold coins of the Bank of Russia, are now excluded from the company's operations until all circumstances in the case are determined." Additional, as disclosed in the interview below for Here and Now show on TVRainRu, the Russian Central Bank would buy back the coins at a price of 9,300 rubles, despite prevailing prices for the bullion at well over 10,000.
"ЗДЕСЬ И СЕЙЧАС". Золото. Телеканал ДОЖДЬ.
Золотые монеты Центробанка заржавели. Обсуждаем с бизнесменом Германом Стерлиговым.
As Zero Hedge has pointed out previously, the Central Bank of Russia has been one of the biggest purchasers of gold in 2010, having bought gold every single month. It would be embarrassing if it were discovered that not only is the bank diluting the gold content once received with oxidizable materials, but subsequently passing it off for 999 proof precious metal.
And if this is happening in Russia, one wonder what trickery other Central Banks, with a far lower amount of gold in their vaults, resort to...