


Oxford Research Group Concludes Israeli Attack On Iran Would Start Long War

Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
July 15, 2010

One wonders how many Ph.D. were consulted in the preparation of this report. Yet aside from the glaringly obvious, there are some other interesting observations. “An Israeli attack on Iran would be the start of a protracted conflict that would be unlikely to prevent the eventual acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran and might even encourage it. Long-range strike aircraft acquired from the United States, combined with an improved fleet of tanker aircraft, the deployment of long-range drones and the probable availability of support facilities in northeast Iraq and Azerbaijan, all increase Israel’s potential for action against Iran.” According to the report, it might take three to seven years for Iran to develop a small arsenal of nuclear weapons if it decided to do so.
人想知道有多少博士生在準備這份報告時磋商,然而除了有目共睹,還有其它一些有趣的觀察。 “以色列襲擊伊朗將開始一個長期的衝突,將不可能阻止伊朗最終獲得核武器,和可能甚至鼓勵了它。從美國獲得的遠程攻擊機,結合一改進的空中加油機機隊,遠程無人駕駛飛機的部署和可能在伊拉克東北部和阿塞拜疆的支援設施提供,在在增加以色列對付伊朗的潛在行動。“根據報告,但可能需要3至7年讓伊朗發展小型核武庫,如果它決定這樣做。
Also, the report wisely states that an Israeli strike would be focused not only on destroying nuclear and missile targets but would also hit factories and research centers and even university laboratories to damage Iranian expertise. Shockingly, this would cause many civilian casualties. Oxford believes Iran’s retaliation would include withdrawing from the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the production of nuclear weapons to deter further attacks. Other recourse would include missile attacks on Israel, closing the Strait of Hormuz to push up oil prices and paramilitary or missile attacks on Western oil facilities in the Gulf. Fun bedside reading.
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Full report
Iran Report

