Revealed: The bizarre new creatures discovered at the bottom of Atlantic Ocean
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:59 PM on 6th July 2010
A Benthic Holothurian (Peniagone diaphana) from the mid Atlantic ridge, which was caught swimming above the sea floor
一水底的海參(Peniagone diaphana)來自中大西洋脊,在海底上游泳時被捕 A Polynoid Polychaete worm, caught at approximately 2,500m below sea level in the Atlantic Ocean during the new voyage
一 Polynoid多毛類蠕蟲,在新航程時捕獲於大西洋海平面約2500米下 The incredible-looking Bathypelagic Ctenophore, above, which was found attached to seafloor by adhesive tentacles and a Hydromedusa caught at approximately 2,500m below sea level
難以置信外貌的深海區櫛水母,上,它是被發現以膠粘的觸角附在海底,和一水螅捕獲約在海平面2500米下 A Basket Star - Euryalid Ophiuroid, which was caught at approximately 800m below sea level
一籃星 - Euryalid Ophiuroid,捕於海平面約800米下 A pale and transparent Holothurian, caught at approximately 2,500m below sea level
一蒼白和透明的海參,抓於約海平面2500米下 The pale red Acorn worm which was one of the deepest creatures found at 2,700m below sea level