Henry Kissinger was a "Soviet" Agent
"Kissinger did many favours for the heirs of Stalin and Mao: telling president Gerald Ford not to invite Alexander Solzhenitsyn to the White House, for example, and making lavish excuses for the massacre in Tienanmen Square. He is that rare and foul beast, a man whose record shows sympathy for communism and fascism. It comes from a natural hatred of the democratic process, which he has done so much to subvert and undermine at home and abroad, and an instinctive affection for totalitarians of all stripes. ... Let this character at last be treated like the reeking piece of ordure that he is."December 16, 2010
Christopher Hitchens, Dec. 12. 2010
克里斯托弗希欽斯 2010年12月12日
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Translation by Autumnson Blog

"Reeking piece of ordure" ? Does Christopher Hitchens know Henry Kissinger holds mankind hostage as CEO of the New World Odor?
The reason why Kissinger "did many favours for the heirs of Stalin and Mao" is because Kissinger was a "Soviet" agent. Starting in 1961, Michel Goleniewski an anti-Communist who infiltrated Polish Communist Intelligence, revealed that Kissinger was recruited into a special group known as ODRA while he was a sergeant in the US army during WWII.
理由為什麼基辛格"為斯大林和毛澤東的繼承者做出很多有利的行為”,是因為基辛格是一位“蘇聯”特務。開始於 1961年,一位潛入波蘭共產黨情報組織的反共者米歇爾 Goleniewski透露,基辛格被招募入一個特殊組織被稱為ODRA,當他在世二戰期間是一名美國軍隊的沙展。
Goleniewski exposed dozens of confirmed KGB agents in Western countries, who were tried and convicted. However, in the USA, Frank A. Capell writes "no action was taken on his information." (Henry Kissinger: Soviet Agent, 1974 p.3, 76-77)
Goleniewski暴露幾十名在西方國家證實的克格勃(KGB)間諜,他們被審判和定罪。然而在美國,弗蘭克答卡珀爾寫道“在他的資料上沒有採取任何行動。” (亨利基辛格:蘇聯特工,1974年第三頁, 76-77)
Capell explains that Kissinger has always been a Rockefeller factotum starting with his receipt of a Rockefeller Fund fellowship when he was a student.
In other words, Henry Kissinger worked for both Rockefeller and the KGB. The Rockefellers are Illuminati central bankers. All intelligence agencies -- MI-6, Mossad, CIA, KGB -- ultimately serve the central bankers not their national homes.
換句話說,亨利基辛格為洛克菲勒和克格勃兩者工作。洛克菲勒家族是光明會央行行長;所有的情報機構 - MI-6、莫薩德、中情局、克格勃 - 最終為央行行長服務而不是為它們的國家。
We have de facto world government. The USSR was conjured up by the central bankers to create a Hegelian dialectic. This is why many Illuminati ("Soviet") agents like Henry Kissinger ( or the CIA's Barrack Obama) rise to the top of the US government with impunity. Kissinger was Secretary of State. This is why Putin and most of his predecessors come from the ranks of the KGB.
Cappel writes that the "Communists" (the first globalists?) gained power by internal subversion. "This required that key people in government be Communists, Communist agents or persons under Communist control through blackmail, bribery or other devious means." (109)
卡普爾寫道,“共產黨人”(第一班全球主義者?)取得權力以內部顛覆。 “這需要政府內的核心人物是共產黨人、共產主義代理或在共產黨控制下的人士,通過勒索、賄賂或其它不正當手段”。 (109)
From representing the "proletariat," these Communists represent the central bankers whose goal is to absorb all the world's wealth using debt created out of thin air.
When Nixon lost his bid to become Governor of California, he was befriended by Nelson Rockefeller who gave him a $100,000 New York apartment and a $200,000 a year salary. He became another Rockefeller factotum. Kissinger was his handler.
Hitchen's outburst against Kissinger was occasioned by his remark to Richard Nixon that:
" 'The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy', The New York Times on Saturday quotes Kissinger as saying on the tapes. 'And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern'." "Kissinger: Gassing Jews would not be a U.S. problem"
This remark (from newly released tape recordings) was in response to Golda Meir's plea for the US to put pressure on the USSR to release its Jews. The meeting took place March 1, 1973, just seven months before the outbreak of the Yom Kipur War in which the Soviets armed the Egyptians.
Kissinger also said of the Jews: "A people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong?"
Kissinger was a Jew. How do we account for his attitude, if it was sincere? The best explanation is that the Illuminati are Sabbatean Frankist Jews, a satanist heresy beginning in the 17th century. They captured half of the Jews of Europe and set them against the other half. They are noted by their willingness to intermarry with Gentile elites and mask their identity in order to reach positions of power. (Sound like Communists?)
基辛格是一名猶太人,我們如何解釋他的態度,如果是真心實意的?最好的解釋是,光明會是Sabbatean Frankist猶太人,一個於 17世紀開始的撒旦教異端。他們俘獲歐洲一半的猶太人,並設置他們針對另一半。他們被他們與外邦人精英通婚的願意注意,和掩飾他們的身份以圖達到權力的位置。 (聽起來像是共產黨員?)
It is also believed that Kissinger had foreknowledge of the Egyptian plan to attack Israel, and after the attack, delayed providing essential aid to Israel.
"Kissinger was willing to let Israel die!," one Jewish commentator wrote. [He] "has always had a reputation for being brutal and a hater of Jews -- even though he is a Jew himself!
“基辛格願意讓以色列去死!”一位猶太評論家寫道。 [他]“經常有一個殘暴和憎恨猶太人的名聲 - 儘管他自己是一個猶太人!
Is this reflected in the Sabbatean attitude to Israel?
In 2000, Illuminati defector Svali wrote:
"The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy by many. These people love the game of chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out of chaos."
Israel is a Sabbatean state and a future center of the NWO. It is inconceivable that the Illuminati would have let Israel fall in 1973, any more than they would have let Russia fail in 1941.
以色列是一個 Sabbatean的國家和一個未來的新世界秩序中心。它是不可思議的光明會已讓以色列在1973年倒下,任何多於他們會已讓俄羅斯在1941年失敗。
Perhaps 1941 provides an explanation for 1973. Stalin let Hitler attack the USSR and inflict immense damage, even though he knew about the attack. His goal was to weaken Russia and destroy its best men. Perhaps that was also the Illuminati goal in 1973.
We tend to see Israel as synonymous with the NWO. But it and Jews in general are only a means to an end. We mustn't fall for the deception that the Illuminati represent the interests of nation states. Their goal is to weaken and swallow up all nations in their world government. Thus they pit nations against each other in unnecessary costly wars. Their hatred of mankind knows no exception.
(Keep this in mind as you scan headlines about the war in Afghanistan and the potential for war in Korea, Venezuela etc.)
In conclusion, mankind has the wisdom and intelligence to fulfill its God given potential. Unfortunately, it is held hostage by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, made up of a corrupt Gentile elite empowered by Sabbatean Jewish financiers. At this rate, I'm afraid humanity is headed in the wrong direction.