


U.S. Chases Foreign Leaders’ DNA, WikiLeaks Shows

By Spencer Ackerman November 29, 2010

Foreign potentates and diplomats beware: the United States wants your DNA.

If that chief of mission seemed a bit too friendly at the last embassy party, it might be because the State Department recently instructed U.S. diplomats to collect biometric identification on their foreign interlocutors. The search for the most personal information of all is contained in WikiLeaks’ latest publication of tens of thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables.
A missive from the Secretary of State’s office in April 2009 asked diplomats in Africa to step up their assistance to U.S. intelligence. Not only should diplomats in Burundi, Rwanda and Congo collect basic biographical information on the people they talk to — a routine diplomatic function — but they should also gather “fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans.”
一封來自國務卿辦公室 2009年4月的書信,要求非洲外交官加緊協助美國情報部門。不僅要在布隆迪、盧旺達和剛果的外交官,要收集與他們交談的人- 例行的外交功能 - 的基本生平資料, 但他們也應收集“指紋、面部圖像、DNA和虹膜掃描。”
There’s no guidance listed on how exactly diplomats are supposed to collect the unique identifiers of “key civilian and military officials.” In recent years, the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan has built storehouses of biometric data to understand who’s an insurgent and who isn’t, all using small, portable eye and thumb scanners. But the State Department’s foray into bio-info collection hasn’t previously been disclosed.
It wasn’t just in Africa. As part of an expansion of the State Department into intelligence gathering, the secretary’s office in October 2008 asked Mideast-based diplos focused on the Palestinians to get “[b]iographical, financial and biometric information” on “key [Palestinian Authority] and HAMAS leaders and representatives, to include the young guard inside Gaza, the West Bank and outside.” And it asked diplomats at the United Nations to start sweeping up thumbprints and facial features. The July 2009 memo targeted U.N. representatives of countries including “China, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Senegal, and Syria” for the treatment, along with “ranking North Korean diplomats.”
它不僅是在非洲,作為國務院進入情報收集的擴張的一部分,局長的辦公室在2008年10月要求中東的外交官聚焦在巴勒斯坦人,以獲得“ [B] 生平、金融和生物的資料”在“關鍵的 [巴勒斯坦當局]和哈馬斯領袖和代表,包括加沙內、約旦河西岸和外面的年輕守衛。"和它要求在聯合國的外交官開始打掃指紋和面部特徵,2009年7月的備忘錄針對多國的聯合國代表,其中包括“中國、古巴、埃及、印度、印尼、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、南非、蘇丹、烏干達、塞內加爾,和敘利亞”作處理,以及“等級高的朝鮮外交官。”
The stated rationale of that biometric effort is to get information from “regional groups, blocs, or coalitions on issues before the General Assembly.” But it’s far from clear how the swirl of a diplomat’s fingerprint reveals anything about voting strategy. And that appears to be part of a recent pattern. Senior foreign-service officers in Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal are asked to acquire “health, biographic, biometric, and assessment information on leaders” of those countries, all in the name of keeping tabs on “separatist, insurgent or radical opposition groups.”

And U.S. diplomats aren’t just supposed to collect biometric identification themselves. Some cables instruct them to collect information on how other countries are using biometrics to keep tabs on local extremists. A March 2008 cable to the U.S. embassy in the Paraguayan capitol of Asunción asked after “[g]overnment plans and efforts to deploy biometric systems” to understand a “Government Counterterrorist Response.” Apparently, the government had questions about the reach of “Hizballah, Hamas, al-Gama’at al-Islamiya, al-Qa’ida, jihadist media organizations, Iranian state agents or surrogates” into South America.

State Department representatives didn’t immediately respond to questions about why diplomats need to acquire DNA and other biometric data on foreigners, what State does with any biometric information it gets, or how long the department retains it. “Fingerprints and photographs are collected as part of embassies’ consular and visa operations,” a baffled Guardian story notes, “but it is harder to see how diplomats could justify obtaining DNA samples and iris scans.”

Photo: Defense Department

(星島)2010年11月29日 星期一 17:14
美國 擴大派駐外國的外交官員的角色,他們不單要執行日常的外交工作,還要搜集外國官員和聯合國 外交官的情報,包括他們的信用卡號碼、飛行常客戶口號碼、指模、DNA及虹膜掃描資料等。「維基解密」最新公開的外交通訊和文件,便揭露美國國務卿希拉莉 親自下令進行上述情報蒐集工作,針對的包括北韓 外交官和甚至聯合國秘書長潘基文 。










維基解密:中政治局下令 入侵 Google;南韓利誘中國撐兩韓統一







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