Russia Positions Warheads Near NATO Allies, Fueling U.S. Concern
Published November 30, 2010
The Wall Street Journal
Translation by Autumnson Blog

美聯社 11月14日:日本橫濱APEC峰會奧巴馬總統與俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫握手。
The U.S. believes Russia has moved short-range tactical nuclear warheads to facilities near North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies as recently as this spring, U.S. officials say, adding to questions in Congress about Russian compliance with long-standing pledges ahead of a possible vote on a new arms-control treaty.
U.S. officials say the movement of warheads to facilities bordering NATO allies appeared to run counter to pledges made by Moscow starting in 1991 to pull tactical nuclear weapons back from frontier posts and to reduce their numbers. The U.S. has long voiced concerns about Russia's lack of transparency when it comes to its arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons, believed to be many times the number possessed by the U.S.
Russia's movement of the ground-based tactical weapons appeared to coincide with the deployment of U.S. and NATO missile-defense installations in countries bordering Russia. Moscow has long considered the U.S. missile defense buildup in Europe a challenge to Russian power, underlining deep-seated mistrust between U.S. and Russian armed forces despite improved relations between political leaders.
The Kremlin had no immediate comment.
Republican critics in the Senate say it was a mistake for President Barack Obama to agree to the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, or New Start, without dealing with outstanding questions about Moscow's tactical nuclear weapons. New Start would cap the Russian and U.S. deployed strategic nuclear arsenals at 1,550 per side. It doesn't address tactical weapons, which are smaller and for use on a battlefield.
Senior administration officials say New Start, like most arms treaties before it, deals only with strategic nuclear weapons, adding that only after it is ratified can Washington and Moscow begin to negotiate a legally binding, verifiable treaty to limit tactical warheads in Europe.
The positioning of Russian tactical nuclear weapons near Eastern European and the Baltic states has alarmed NATO member-states bordering Russia. They see these as potentially a bigger danger than long-range nuclear weapons. Tactical weapons are easier to conceal and may be more vulnerable to theft, say arms-control experts.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis said he raised concerns about the weapons this month with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and senior defense officials in Washington.
美媒:俄已部署RS-24洲際導彈 逐步取代白楊M
據美國“防務新聞網”11月30日消息,俄羅斯戰略導彈部隊司令卡拉卡耶夫(Sergei Karakayev)中將30日透露,俄羅斯將使用可攜帶4顆核彈頭的RS-24導彈系統代替現有“白楊M”(RS-12M)型洲際彈道導彈。
01.12.2010 16:41
俄羅斯總理普京警告西方,若果在歐洲建構導彈防禦系統上,將俄國拒諸門外,俄羅斯將在邊境部署新的導彈及戰鬥部隊。北約上月同俄羅斯達成共識,同意在導彈防禦問題合作,普京接受美國有線新網絡清談節目主持人Larry King訪問時說,針對歐洲的導彈威脅,應由東西方共同應對,若果俄方的建議被拒,西方的反導系統只會為俄國加添威脅,俄國為確保自身安全,別無選擇,將部署新的導彈及核技術,但強調並非威脅西方。 俄羅斯總統梅德韋杰夫,昨日發表國情咨文時亦警告,若無法與北約就反導系統合作,將觸發俄美新一輪軍備競賽。
北約與俄承諾不再為敵 學者稱暗含分化中俄目的
美報稱美俄密談反導 俄拒絕美方合作提案